Announcement! (Gil)

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 You shook your head and said, "For the last time, I don't think a bunch of pirates will care."

Gil pouted and whined, "Please (Y/N)!"

You sighed and gave Gil a look that said 'please stop' but he insisted. He stared at you with those large eyes of his and a small frown (that was more of a pout than anything). You really didn't know why he wanted you to announce it to the entire restaurant.

While having your staring contest with Gil you noted Harry in the corner of your eye. He was looking over at you two with an amused smirk. He moved to stand up but Uma walked over to him and shoved a tray in his hands and gestured to a different table, occupied with filthy pirates.

"(Y/N)?" you heard Gil ask. You focused your attention back on him and frowned at his pleading eyes.

"Why do you want me to do this Gil?" you asked your blonde boyfriend. He perked up a bit and gave you one of his famous dopey smiles. He deflated a bit as he struggled to come up with an answer.

He stuttered for a moment before he spoke, "Because I love you?"

You stared at him, deadpan. He seemed to get more nervous and you sighed. You were going to hate yourself later for this, but at least Gil would be happy. You'll just make him go to the market as payback. You stood from your seat, and Gil's smile widened as you gave an apologetic smile to Uma who raised an eyebrow. You should, "Hey, listen up! I've got an announcement to make!"

You waited for a moment as the pirates quieted down and turned their attention (and annoyed glares) to you. You took a deep breath, glared at Harry (who was trying to hide a laugh), and looked down to Gil for reassurance. When you saw his wide smile and encouraging nod you continued, "Listen up! I hate all of Y'all!" You finished and as the blank stares continued you lifted an eyebrow, "That's it. That's my announcement."

Mutters swept through the shop as they pirates took in your words. You stayed standing and Gil stood up too as Uma walked over to you.

"I don't want to know what possessed you to so that, but I suggest you get out of here before they figure out what you meant," Uma said with a hand gesture over her shoulder, where some pirates had taken to glaring at you. You gulped as Gil grabbed your hand and quickly pulled you through the shop. Y\When you exited the shop you heard yells startup and you shared a wide eye look with Gil right before you two sprinted away.

You pulled Gil into an empty looking alleyway once you reach the market. You took a second to collect your breath as Gil started to laugh.

"That-That was amazing!" Gil exclaimed loudly. Before you could respond, he pulled you into a tight hug. You couldn't help it and laughed a bit. Soon he calmed down, but the hug continued.

"Thank you for that," he whispered and tightened the hug. You didn't say anything, just tighten your hold too. You knew that Gil was having a bad week, constantly messing up and getting yelled at by Uma. You were happy you could help him.

"I love you," you said quietly.

"I love you too," he whispered back, near silent like if someone heard you both would be dragged away and hung.

And knowing the Isle, that was completely possible.

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