You Should Be. (Uma)

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Your eyes quickly darted from side to side, your hands stuffed into your pockets clutching your valuables. Despite this, you stood with your head up and back straight (Avoiding eye contact though). You felt a tug on your leg and looked down. Standing there was a dirty, meager looking child who couldn't have been older than seven. His gaunt face was streaked with dirt and scrapes. Pleading brown eyes peered up at from underneath tangled dirty blond hair.

He says nothing and simply holds his hands out in a cup. You know that he is either asking for food or money. Not that it matters much. You shake your head with a frown, but the kid persists. He tugs on your leg again and this time forms his face into a pout. You sigh and shake your head again, this time warning him, "Get lost kid."

His face hardens into a scowl and he turns and runs away to his mother, who is also wrapped in dirty cloth and is leaning against a wall. The child whispers to her and she makes eye contact with you. When you see her scowl you raise an eyebrow at her, refusing to look away. After a few seconds, you see her shoulders move with a sigh and she looks away. As you move to walk away you notice the little boy out of the corner of your eye move onto someone else.

As you walk you try to get the kid's face out of your mind. You couldn't help but feel a little guilty, you knew you had more than enough money to pay for your haircut. You could've afforded to give the kid a couple of dollars. As you think this your parent's voice rings in your mind, "Don't show any kindness, it makes you weak and this place eats the weak for breakfast."

Now normally you'd tell them to shove it and do exactly what they said not to do, but for this? You knew if you didn't follow their advice you'd be dead. Or worse.

You sighed and shook your head as you reached your destination. Ignoring the closed sign on the door you opened the door and walked past the plastic flaps acting as a second door. You stopped just past the doorway when you noticed Dizzy dancing around the room with her broom and her headphones on. You watched her performance for a few minutes until you contain a laugh when Dizzy attempted to twirl around the broom, got stuck, and dropped the broom.

She turned to you with a sheepish smile and ran over to you. She grabbed your wrist, shouted an apology to her grandma, and sat you in a chair.

"(Y/N)! What's up?" she whispered and leaned close to you like it was a secret. You rolled your eyes and turned your head to face her. In a low voice and with a grim face you replied, "The ceiling."

Dizzy scoffed and walked to stand in front of you, "The usual?" she asked with a tilt of her head. You nodded once and Dizzy got to work.

~Time skip~

You sat on the desk near the entrance of the shop, watching as Mal (who had entered in the middle of your haircut) admired her new hair.

"I like it," you called over to her, "purple suits you. Blonde on the other hand..."

Mal rolled her eyes, "Yeah, well purple is a little too radical for the people in Auradon. Here you go Dizzy."

Dizzy squealed when Mal handed her a wad of money. "For me?" she asked. At Mal's nod, she ran over to the register as you hopped off the table. You walked over next to Mal.

In a low whisper, you asked, "So why'd you come back? You know half the Isle would've killed to be in your place."

Mal sighed, "I just didn't fit in."

You scoffed in disbelief and in a scorning tone you said, "Mal, you never fit in. You're you."

Mal shrugged but any response was cut off by Harry Hook waltzing into the shop and demanding the money in Dizzy's hand. The girl sighed and handed it over. As you bemusedly watched Harry and Mal's interaction you made a mental note to give Dizzy the extra money you had with you.

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