Apples? Pt. 3 (Ben)

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You moved around your room in a frenzy, double checking your outfit, then hair, then outfit again. A vicious cycle. But, who could blame you? Today was Ben's coronation, so you knew you had to get your anxiety under control. Ben would need all the comfort he could get.

As you finished fixing your hair for the third time there was a knock on your door. You glanced in your mirror for a final check before walking over to the door. You opened it and smiled at Mal. She was in a beautiful purple dress, her hands behind her back, and she seemed nervous.

"Hi Mal!" you greeted, opening the door wider and inviting her into your room. She gave you a strained smile and walked in, carefully hiding what was in her hands. You closed the door behind her. Mal stood in the middle of your room, looking around. You walked over to your closet and grabbed your shoes.

You sat on your bed and pulled your shoes on. You asked, "What can I help you with Mal?"

"Well," Mal started. She fidgeted with what was in her hands. "since today is Ben coronation..."

"Oh yeah!" you said, excited. You stood up and walked over to Mal. She seemed confused as you approached her with a smile. "Ben told me you wanted to stand with me and his family!"

Mal smiled nervously, unsure of where this was going. "Yeah..."

"Well I told him he was stupid," you told her as you walked over to your mirror, making sure you looked good. Mal was shocked. You smiled calmly at her through the mirror. "I told him he was stupid and that I would be more than happy to stand with you."

Mal's jaw dropped in shock. Why were you so nice? Did you know what she had planned and wanted to embarrass her? Deciding to go with it, Mal tucked the cursed bracelet she had brought into the pocket she made Evie sow in.

Not pausing at Mal's shock, you continued, "Of course I asked Evie, to make sure you wouldn't mind. Obviously, you would have to stand a step-down, not enough room for both of us. But, if you really want to be there, who am I to stop you?"

"Uh, thanks," Mal stuttered out. You shrugged and told her it was no problem. "So, um, what now?"

You finally stood in front of Mal. "When you get to the coronation someone will lead you to the steps!"

There was another knock on the door and you yelled, "Come in!"

The door opened to a smiling Ben. At first, he didn't notice Mal, focused on you, wondering how in the world he got you. You laughed at the dopey look on his face. That brought him back to his senses and he smiled, noticing Mal.

"Hey Mal," he greeted, leaning on the doorframe. "I guess (Y/N) told you the plan?"

Mal forced a smile. "Yup! Thanks again."

You smiled and patted her shoulder. You walked over to Ben and quickly kissed him. Mal awkwardly cleared her throat and motioned to the door. "I'll be going. See you later, I guess."

Mal walked by the two of you. She heard you laughing as she turned the corner. Once out of sight she bolted to her room. Slamming the door open, she stormed in and walked over to Evie who was putting final touched on Jay's outfit.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Mal all but yelled at her friend. Evie shrugged, still mad at Mal.

"I didn't think you'd care since you were so set on hurting them," Evie replied coolly. Jay and Carlos shared confused looks.

"Um," Carlos spoke up as he cuddled Dude on Evie's bed, "what didn't Evie tell you?"

Mal, without looking away from Evie, replied, "(Y/N) invited me to stand with them."

Jay cocked an eyebrow as Evie finished. "And you're mad why?"

Mal didn't reply. She clenched her jaw as Evie moved over to her sewing kit she had acquired. Evie picked up a lint roller and walked over to Mal. Quietly, she ran the roller over Mal's shoulders. Mal's shoulders dropped as she sighed.

"I'm, I'm sorry E." Mal apologized. Evie smiled softly and replied with a soft "I know". Without saying anything else the four of them shared a look, determined to make their parents proud, no matter how much they didn't want to.

They were getting that wand, kindness be damned.

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