Apples? (Ben)

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You rolled your eyes at Ben as he bounced up and down in place. A smile was on his face and- wow, he really looked like an overactive puppy.

"Ben," you said, catching his attention. He stopped moving and turned his smiling face towards you. You couldn't help but smile back as you continued, "Calm down, everything is going to be fine."

Ben's smile turned nervous as he shuffled his feet. "I'm just worried. This is my first royal proclamation, what if it turns out to be a disaster?"

You smiled and grabbed his hand as you spoke, "Then the people will see you for what you are, a teen who tried his best in the position he was given."

Ben was quiet for a moment before he chuckled and squeezed your had. "What would I do without you (Y/N)?"

You shrugged casually as you grabbed your (F/H/D) from the machine. you put a top on the cup as you responded, "Crash and burn probably."

Ben chuckled again as he ran his hand through his hair. He mumbled something that sounded like 'yeah, probably'. Suddenly Audrey appeared and hugged your arm (the one holding the drink). She had a forced smile on her face as she spoke, "(N/M), Bennyboo! You two better hurry up, we're gonna be late."

You smiled at Audrey as you handed Ben our drink. He took it and you used your free arm to give her a sideways hug. "Ya'know Audrey, if I didn't know better, I'd say you are actually excited for these kids to come!"

Audrey scoffed as the three of you walked outside. Ben handed you your drink as he let go of your hand, saying he had to go talk to Fairy Godmother quickly. When he walked away Audrey spoke, "I love Ben, I really do. But does he really think this is a good idea? They're villains!"

You sighed as you removed your arm from her and moved to stand in front of her. You said, "Their parents are villains, not them. They aren't their parents, just like you aren't your's."

Audrey rolled his eyes and crossed her arms mumbling, "We'll see about that."

Before you could respond Ben came back over and wrapped an arm around you. "They're going to be here soon!"

You smiled and faced him, throwing one last warning look at Audrey before saying, "Then be better get ready!"

The three of you walked over to Fairy Godmother and waited for the limo to be in sight. You heard to other students murmuring and noticed Audrey's less-than-pleasant stature, her arms crossed and a frown on her face. You looked at her and mouthed, 'Be nice". He relaxed, uncrossed her arms, and adopted a fake smile. You nodded and looked forward, it was the best you were going to get.

Ben was tense, you could fell it. You shifted your drink, that you haven't even tasted yet, to your outside arm before you leaned up and kissed his cheek. You whispered, "Relax."

Ben relaxed and at that moment, the band began to play. You looked past Ben and saw the limo carrying the kids from the Isle. Ben stood up straighter and adopted his best smile as Fairy Godmother stepped forwards. The limo stopped and the band continued to play as the kids stepped out. Or rather, two fell out and the other two stepped out behind them. Your smile widened at the sight, but you noticed Ben's faltering. You nudged him and gave him a looking that said to relax. Soon his smile returned full force as Fairy Godmother reprimanded the boys.

As the four kids stood in a line and Fairy Godmother spoke, you took this time to observe the kids. The first one was tall and smirking. You saw his eye shifting around and noted that he seemed drawn to the various jewelry people were wearing, including your ring (well, it was actually Ben's, but he gave it to so same difference). The next boy was shorter and had chocolate on his face. You had to hold back a chuckle at that. He was bouncing in place, a nervous tick that Ben also had. The next girl was the only one smiling. She seemed excited and was doing her best to see everything without moving too much. Lastly, the girl with purple hair. She had an aura that screamed 'Don't talk to me!'. She seemed to be the leader of the group. You internally smirked, this was going to be fun.

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