You Should Be Part 2 (Uma)

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"You know," you mused, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were jealous I was with Mal."

Uma scoffed and pulled back from you (you were hugging on the bed, cuddling really, but Uma hates the word cuddling). "Why should I be jealous? I got you, she didn't."

You rolled your eyes and sat up, Uma following. You shook your head and said, "I still don't think it's a matter of you got me since Mal never 'wanted' me."

Uma raised an eyebrow and stood up and walked over to the door. As she opened the door she turned to you with a smirk, "Let's go test that theory then, shall we?"

She walked out, leaving the door open and you slowly stood up. Cautiously you followed her out of the room and onto the deck of the ship. Standing in the doorway you watched as she stepped off the ship, telling you over her shoulder to meet her in the shop soon. Watching her leave, you noticed a length of rope wrapped around the far mast, and Gil sitting by it. You walked over to the mast with your hands in your pockets. As you walked over to Gil you ignored Ben (not wanting to see his expression). Gil perked up when he saw you.

"(Y/N)!" he called as she stood up waving his hand.

"Hey Gil," you greeted with a nod. You crossed your arms and leaned against the staircase. You finally looked at Ben and held back a cringe at his betrayed expression.

Stop, you told yourself, you don't care what he thinks of you. He's the reason you're still on this Isle. He's the reason Mal is upset.

"So," you addressed Gil, not taking your eyes off Ben, "any particular reason why Uma wants me to go to her shop?"

"Oh, she wants to prove to Mal she's better, I guess since you two are dating she also wants Mal to be jealous so she's off her game so she loses-" Gil babbled.

"Gil," you cut him off. He stopped and blinked at you innocently. You finally looked away from Ben (who eye's had widened as Gil talked). "Thanks, I guess I've got to go. Don't do anything stupid."

You pushed off the wall and began to walk past the mast where Ben was tied. You heard Gil mutter, "Funny, that's what Uma said too."

You rolled your eyes at the oblivious man and nodded at Ben, "Your Highness."

"Why-" he tried to ask, but you quickly walked off the ship and over to the chip shop. As you walked into the smelly shop you spotted Uma at the bar counter and walked over to her. Her back to you, you walked behind her and wrapped your arms around her, burying your head in her neck. You felt her stiffen and then relax as she noticed you were the one hugging her. Continuing with her cleaning she spoke, "Sneak up on me again and I'll skewer you."

You released her and laughed as she grabbed a tray of 'food' from the kitchen. "If you did that, you wouldn't have anything to make Mal jealous, yes?"

Uma froze, back to you. She groaned, "Gil."

"Yup," you confirmed as she walked over to a pirate-filled table to deliver the food. You took a seat at the bar and watched Uma as she talked to the pirates. You were going to call out to her again, but Mal entering stopped you. You gulped and shrunk in on yourself and turned a bit away from the door.

"I'm back," you heard Mal call, not looking at her as you feigned interest in the television.

"Ah," Uma responded, "Loser, party of one, right this way."

You tried to tune out the rest of the conversation, focusing on why your heart was beating so fast. You couldn't understand, you hadn't felt this nervous ever since...

Ever since Mal came back.

With this realization, you startled a bit. Where you nervous about disappointing Mal? There was no way. When she gave up evil, left you on the Isle for what seemed like for good you were furious. Sure, maybe in the last six months your anger had ebbed, but the thought that after four hours you were once again scared of losing her? That was insane.

But that was exactly what was wrong. Fuck.

Someone tapped you on your shoulder and you turned to see a pirate from Uma's crew (Desiree you believe). "Uma asked me to tell you she wants you to bring drinks over for her and Mal."

You sighed and stood up. Desiree walked away as you walked to the kitchen slowly, trying to avoid the confrontation about to happen. Unfortunately, Uma planned on this since the cook already had two mugs ready for you, completely destroying any chance you had at pulling this out. Grabbing the mugs, you turned and saw Uma smirking at Mal. Mal, on the other hand, was looking straight at you. Face blank, but her eyes were shocked, betrayed. Filching a bit, you slowly walked over to their table where Uma had started talking to Mal, using her distracted state to her advantage. When you reached the table you set down the mugs and moved to walk away, planning on hanging out with Gil on the ship. But before you could leave, Uma spoke, "Thanks (Y/N), you're a great help."

You scoffed, and before you could stop yourself you replied, "Then where's my paycheck hun?"

"Volunteering, it's good for the soul, hun," Uma replied, a smirk on her face as she stared down Mal.

You sighed, "Whatever. I'm gonna go, I don't want to be in the middle of the female testosterone battle you have going on here."

Once again, before you could walk away Uma stopped this. This time, however, instead of saying anything she just grabbed your wrist and pulled you down into a short kiss. When she released you, you stood up straight and raised your eyebrow at her. She hated PDA. But then you remember, jealousy. Still not believing Uma's claims of Mal's crush on you, you sneaked a glance at Mal. She was glaring a Uma, refusing to look at you. Her fist was clenched on the table and her jaw was set and oh my evil she's jealous.

Decided against commenting you quickly said goodbye and walked out of the shop. Walking onto the ship you noticed Gil animatedly talking to Ben (who, for his part, seemed to be actively listening despite having no actual choice to listen). You made the decision to forego talking to Gil, the guilt of betraying Mal was too much to be able to see Ben. You walked back down to Uma's room and flopped on her bead, burying your face in her pillow.


The door to the room opened and you sighed into the pillow as Uma walked into the room. The door closed and you felt the bed dip beside you. Uma rested a hand on your back and she leaned forward and whispered into your ear, "I told you so."

You groaned and sat up, Uma's hand falling down to rest beside her. She was smirking at you and you glared at her before falling forward into her. She laughed as you landed on her lap, and in a rare moment of affection, she ran her hands through your hair.

"Mal has a crush on me?" you asked, still in denial.

"I'm never wrong about these things," Uma confirmed. You sighed and rolled over onto your back. You threw an arm over your eyes and groaned loudly.

"This just got a lot more complex."

Uma just hummed and stood up. She patted your arm and said, "It's about to get more complex. You're babysitting Beasty-Boy now."

You groaned again, not moving. Uma laughed and left the room. You removed your arm from your face and sat up. "Here's to hoping the King isn't in a talkative mood."

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