Figuratively (Harry)

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You quietly scoffed as you turned sharply into the alleyway on your right. It was dirty, per usual, but empty so it would do. You walked down the alley for a moment before stopping. Another second passed before you spoke.

"You're very bad a stalking by the way."

A chuckle sounded from behind you and you turned to face your stalker. Waltzing out of the shadows was a tall figure. He dark hair, bright blue eyes, a sharp smirk, tattered red leather jacket, and a silver hook. You discreetly inhaled at the sight of Harry Hook, knowing if that he was stalking you nothing good was to come.

"Well, well well! Ain't someone smart? Tell me, how did ye know I was tailin' ye?" Harry asked in a conversational way, waving his hook around for dramatic effect. He raised an eyebrow at you and waited for an answer.

You crossed your arms and quickly looked for a way out. Seeing none you sighed but held your defensive posture. You answered, "You aren't as subtle as you think, Hook."

"Please, Hook was me father. Ye can call me Harry," he said, bowing mockingly. When he rose he smirked at you.

You rolled your eyes at him, he truly was a dramatic as people say. Wonderful. You were done with idle chatter and confronted him, "Why were you following me Hook ."

He frowned (which looked more like a pout) and placed a hand over his heart, "That hurts, love," he said in a faux-depressed tone. He suddenly perked up and his dangerous grin returned, "Buuuutttt, I suppose I could tell ye why I be here. Fer a price o' course."

You narrowed for eyes at the pirate, trying to figure out his angle, "Alright, I'll bite. What's the price?"

Harry clapped his hands together and his grin turned wolfish. Quickly, he moved to be standing right in front of you, obviously not caring about personal space. "I'm soooo glad ye asked, love. Ye see all I want is one, simple, kiss. Right here," he said, tapping his lips for effect.

You scoffed and shoved him away. You took a step back and said, "Go to Hell."

Harry smirked (did he ever actually stop?). He held his arms out to the side in a wide gesture to you. "We're already there love."

"I meant figuratively dumb ass," you sneered turning to walk out of the alleyway. Before you could get too far Harry called out from behind you.

"I'll be seein' ye later (Y/N)!" he called. You heard him chuckle and then the tell-tale sound of fabric rustling as he walked in the opposite direction from you. When you reached the head of the alley you relaxed minutely. You processed what just happened. Harry Hook was following you, and you had no idea why.

You were so screwed.

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