15. Bittersweet coffee

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The cool breeze rushing through the big windows, the musky scent of the wind and the cloudy sky could not do any good in comforting an annoyed, perplexed and irritated Harshan. Letting out an annoyed huff, he glared at Rachna who had rejected the third banquet hall. She found fault either in the design engraved on the ceiling or in the colour of the curtains. Deliberately ignoring his glare, she moved past him and made her way towards the car. Settling on the car, she googled the next venue to be visited in her phone.

"What was wrong with that hall?" Harshan questioned losing his patience as he sat on the driver seat.

"I did not like the tiles pattern." Rachna replied engrossed in her phone.

"What's bothering you, Rachu?"Harshan asked halting the car to the side.

"None of the venues are perfect." Rachna bawled to which Harshan chuckled.

"The venues are good its just the eyes looking at it has some fault."

"My eyes are perfect." She replied immediately feeling offended.

Sliding his head on the side glass window, Harshan repeated, "What's bothering you, Rachna?" Rachna let out an exasperated breath, she couldn't lie straight on his face when he looked at her intently.

"Are you a mind reader, Harsh?"

Harshan laughed at that and commented, "I'm not a mind reader else I would have known what's running inside your little brain." Placing his hands on his lap together, he further added, "But I know that this is not the chatterbox Rachna I met a day before yesterday." Rachna gave him a small smile. She decided to talk to him.

"Harsh, are you a workaholic?"

Harshan stared at her for a minute. He knew where this conversation was heading.

"Yes but I know my priorities." Harshan replied in a serious tone.

"How do you manage between work and family?" Rachna raised her doubt.

"Rachna, there is no wrong in being a workaholic. Be a workaholic. Work hard. Love your work. There is no wrong in that. At the same time, remember you have a family. Spend time with them. Make time for them. There is no joy in achieving things when there is no one to celebrate it with us. And above all, spend time with yourself." Harshan explained to her gently.

"Spend time with myself?" Rachna asked perplexed.

Harshan placed his hand on her head and swayed it to the sides.

"Yes Rachu, spend time with yourself. All day work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Indulge in hobbies, do something new. It keeps you fresh and active. And soon you will become more productive in work. I'm sharing a top secret of the COO of Infinite Solutions." Harshan winked at her.

"Will my family forgive me?" Rachna asked hesitatingly worried about his answer.

"Rachu, they are our family. No matter what we do they are going to be there for us. Your family is not angry with you. They are worried for you. They don't want their girl only to be a successful leader of their firm. They want her to see all shades of life. They love you, Rachu." Harshan gave her an assuring smile.

"And you have understood your mistake unlike some." He whispered not meeting her eyes.

"Did you say something?"

"No, go show your family how much you love them." Harshan gave a big grin and began starting the car.

"Thanks Harsh!" Rachna said holding his hands softly.

"Don't you know the golden rule: No sorry, no thanks between friends."

"What happened to this car?" Harshan grunted and stepped out of the car followed by Rachna. Rolling the sleeves of his shirt, he opened the car hood and began working on the wires. Rachna stood admiring at his muscles that flexed out from the rolled sleeves as he turned on the plugs. When he looked up, he caught Rachna gaping at him and passed her a wink. Flushed, Rachna rushed to her seat mentally chiding herself for openly gawking at him. Closing the hood, Harshan marched to his seat. He was surely enjoying the sight of a flushed Rachna.

They made their way to the next venue. Luckily, both of them did not like the venue.

"Now where next?"Harshan asked playing with the car keys.

"No where. I have found the location, Harsh."

"Don't say me this one!"Harshan asked shocked.

Giggling at him, Rachna replied, "No silly, the venue is our home."

"And it took you so long to find the simple fact." Harshan simpered ruffing her hair.

"I think I'm little slow in understanding things."

"No doubt in that." Harshan chaffed at her making Rachna whine. Soon it started to drizzle, Rachna sprinted towards the car for shelter. Hitting his head at Rachna's stint, Harshan jogged towards the car and pulled Rachna into the rain.

"Harsh, we will get sick." Rachna advised.

"We will see that when we get sick." Harshan said twirling Rachna in the rain.


"Shoo...you talk too much." Harshan silenced her. Puffing Rachna stretched her arms horizontally, lifting her head to look at the sky and was blessed by the rain drops. She began circling around. Harshan looked at the beauty swirling in the floral frock.

"Beautiful." He whispered. Rachna blushed hearing his words and soon sneezed.

"Harsh-" Soon she got interrupted by a train of sneezes.


Rachna shot deathly glares at Harshan standing in the road side coffee stall. Harshan tried to calm her but each time he was retreated with snaps or sneezes. He passed her a hot coffee cup. The hot coffee soothed her cold body and her sneezes controlled. Sipping the hot coffee, cherishing its warm taste, she looked at the drizzling rain.

She never thought one day in her life she would be drinking hot coffee or eat spicy pani-pooris from a road side stall. Neither she would break into a marriage procession and dance carefreely nor get drenched in the rain. It was unlike her but she loved these moments and above all she loved the company she had, Harshan.



Belated happieee Diwali, folks!! Hope you all had a safe and a slightly different Diwali : ) 

A sincere apology for not updating for the past one week. Got between model labs and test. And then I wasn't satisfied with the way the first draft of this chapter panned out. So it got a bit late. As a compensation, I will post the next chapter very soon. 

Stay tuned!

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