27. Lily and Winkles

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Sitting in the dining room, Aditi smiled at the sketch she had drawn for the party theme. Cracking her knuckles, she lifted her head to get approval from Rakshan who had just entered the kitchen to fetch water in the empty bottle. He was tired and the black bags under his eyes affirmed he had not slept properly the previous night.

"Rakshan!" Aditi called, in response he nodded at her. Signaling him to sit on the chair on the other side adjacent to her, Aditi served him the previous day cookies. Rakshan lips twitched into a small smile as he chewed the crunchy cookies.

"Last night, Dadu and Dadaji along with me made these cookies." Aditi chimed making him to give her a full smile.

"Nice sketch. Party theme?" Rakshan finally spoke to which Aditi nodded. Sensing he won't speak anything more Aditi decided to take the initiative.

"Mr Fireball, what happened?" Aditi took Rakshan by surprise.

"I mean you look tired." She explained seeing his puzzled face.

"Office work." Rakshan replied shrugging his shoulders. Seeing her fixed gaze on him, Rakshan sighed.

"Within next four days, I have an important meeting with a leading manufacturing company here. If everything finalizes well, the company would invest in our project and would provide manufacturing parts for our product at minimal cost. Our project would be set." He chirped visualising his dream coming true.

"Then what's the problem?" Aditi wondered what would have made him stressed.

"I want to show them what we are capable of. I'm working on the prototype and you know how it is. Sorry, for not helping you with the arrangements."

"Hey! That's fine. What's your project about?" She arched her brows grinning.

He smiled at her enthusiasm and replied with an air of confidence, "Our project is about making low intensity LED based teaching screen for visually impaired students."

"Wow! Its like learning from light." Aditi beamed making Rakshan's smile wider. She had captured the goal of his project.

"Can I ask you something?" She appealed looking expectantly at him. Rakshan moved his head in a yes.

"I'm a chip layout designer and I can help you in this project. If you want?"Aditi added the last part nervously.

"Err... Dadaji and Dadiji's anniversary is in four days and you are handling the party arrangements. I can't take-" Rakshan was abruptly interrupted.

"You don't worry about that. I will handle the preparations in the day and at night I can help you in the project." Aditi vouched. She felt a sudden attraction to his project and genuinely wanted to help him.

"You don't need to do this." Rakshan began as he shook his head but looking at her expectant eyes he couldn't continue. He too knew he needed help if he had to complete the model within three nights.

"Ok but on one condition. I will help you with the party arrangements." Rakshan concluded firmly leaving no space for argument. Though he was happy that she agreed to help him, he felt it was unfair of him to make her work when she already had loads of work to do.

"Deal! I will join you after dinner." Aditi announced picking up the party sketch to get approval from her sisters.


Aditi successfully kicked Ayushi out of her room for three nights and turned the room into a work station. After getting a clear picture about the project and the desired output to be achieved, Rakshan and Aditi made their work plan for each night.

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