30. Delusion

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A round of applause broke Rakshan and Aditi's gaze. Putting an arm distance between them, they gave an awkward smile to each other.

"Can I have a dance with this pretty lady?" A young man asked coming to their rescue.

Rakshan reluctantly nodded and stepped away from the dance floor. His heart refused to go but his mind stated he had no reason to stay back.

Aditi held onto the young man's hand. She wanted to know what she felt in the previous dance was common to feel. As they swayed to the music, she neither experienced the comfort nor the magic spell she felt with Rakshan.

Her eyes wandered across the hall and finally rested on Rakshan who was talking to her father. On cue, Rakshan met Aditi's gaze. Both passing a small smile to each other.


After posing for a family picture, Amitosh, Aditi and Ayushi decided to treat themselves with ice-cream.

"Butterfingers, you're my sweet sister." Ayushi buttered her sister eyeing the cup filled with butterscotch ice-cream.

"No, I'm a horrible sister." Aditi remarked licking her spoon while Amitosh grinned at his cute granddaughters.

"Come on, Adi! You're a good girl."

"No way I'm going to share my ice-cream with you, little devil." Aditi declared challenging her sister.

"Get lost."Ayushi stomped her sister's foot and left to get an ice-cream.

"Get me also a cup, little devil." Aditi shouted.

"I will get you a cup of poison." Aditi heard back making her giggle. She loved irritating her little sister.

"Thanks Adi." Amitosh chirped moving a spoon of vanilla ice-cream to her granddaughter's mouth.

"Stop it, Dadu." Aditi bawled eating the ice-cream from Amitosh making him chuckle.

"I'm happy Adi! I wanted to celebrate this day with my dear ones. Thanks for making it come true. I didn't expect you would call my childhood friends. " Amitosh sniffed wiping the tear drop that spilled from his eyes. Holding her grandfather's hand, Aditi smiled at him.

"Dadu, the credit goes to everyone in our family. I have seen how much you value your friendship Dadu. It was Dheeraj Dadaji who helped me in tracing them. Say a big thank you to him." Aditi stated.

"If I say thanks to him, then he would kick me." Amitosh guffawed. On timing, Dheeraj made his appearance along with Ayushi.

"Amit, tomorrow we don't need to go for walking. I have got permission from Raksh." Dheeraj exclaimed proudly of the achievement he made. The two granddaughter's laughed at the grandfathers who tried to high five each other but failed each time. Harshan and Rachna made their way to them.

"Butterfingers, do you see a couple who are celebrating their five days anniversary?" Ayushi teased the new couple getting a smack on her back from Rachna.

"I have got the worst sisters in the world." Ayushi complained and pulled Prakash into the circle for her help.

"No one troubles my little princess." Prakash ordered in his stern voice.

"Not little princess Bade Papa little devil." Aditi air quoted to which Ayushi made a growling face.

The table was soon joined by rest of the Verma's and Suchitra, each taking sides of one of the three girls.

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