34. Merging paths

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After the heavy downpour the previous night, the sweet petrichor lurking in the moist air and the sun veiled by puddle of clouds was amiable for a cosy sleep in the morning but in Verma house it was a total chaos. After all, it was Harshan and Rachna's engagement.

"Bhai, its your engagement. Please get up. I have work to do." Rakshan bleated the nth time trying to wake his brother who was sleeping like a log.

"Exactly its my engagement, Raksh. I don't have any work to do. You go and do your work. And please don't disturb my sleep." Harshan grunted. His younger brother was being a sour soup in this pleasant morning.

"Fine koala bear, I will change the holding as koala bear engages Rachna." Rakshan shouted in a loud voice knowing his brother would beat him to pulp. Harshan grumbled and sat on the bed shooting death glares at Rakshan.

"You're horrible, Raksh." Harshan sulked and stood up to get ready for his engagement in an urbane pink draped kurta coat set.

In the girls room, it was totally a different scene. Rachna being over excited woke her barely slept cousins at four in the morning earning curses from Ayushi while Aditi let the matter slip as she had work to do. Currently, Prakash, Shruthi and Priya were sniffing trying to find the rocket science behind how their little baby girl grew into a gorgeous woman.

"Ma, Bade Papa and Badi Ma, save your crocodile tears for the wedding. Please don't make her cry otherwise all the make up I had done on Di will get ruined." Ayushi chided.

"Shut up, you don't know anything." Priya scolded sniffing her tears.

"Oh my god you all are being melodramatic." Ayushi cringed rolling her eyes.

"Guys, enough now I need to get ready." Rachna tried to change the mood while Ayushi gaped at her.

"Di, you have been getting ready for the past five hours. Its me who has to get ready."Ayushi gasped.

"Whatever." Rachna got back to apply a darker shade of red on her lips.


Aditi smiled at the back of the tall figure who was helping an elder couple with their seats. Feeling a gaze on him, Rakshan turned to see Aditi and an automatic grin cherished his face as he took in her appearance. In her golden off shoulder blouse and long green skirt striking with the maneuvered fresh grass, small jhumkas and a pearl chain clasped to her ears and neck, her kohl-lined eyes nervous and shy, she looked like a fragile doll, too delicate and alluring to the eyes. Rakshan made his way towards her in all smiles.

"You look lovely, Aditi!" Rakshan said shyly, a heat creeping at the back of his nape as he complimented a woman other than his mother and grandmother for their beauty.

Aditi's cheek flamed turning red, his compliment made her feel beautiful. Passing a shy smile to him, she tossed her weight from one leg to another. With a dire need to ward off her shyness, she over- enthusiastically chirped, "Same pinch, lucky pinch Mr Fireball!"

Rakshan looked at her puzzled. Shaking her head slightly, she grinned and pointed her index finger first at his dress and then at hers. That's when Rakshan noticed he was dressed in a green floral kurta coat striking with her dress colour. Giving her a small nod and after small smiles here and there, Rakshan asked, "Aditi, can we take a photo together?"

The sudden request caught Aditi by surprise. A few seconds passed between them with her cheeks growing taint pink, then she slowly motioned her head in a yes. Standing beside him, she watched him taking his phone from his pocket. She felt conscious and for once she cared to run a hand on her hair making sure they were properly tamed and hoped she looked good.

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