11. The better you

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The loud beats of the drums, the crackling sound of crackers, the high-spirited dance and the flamboyant dresses of the relatives from the groom's side made the vicinity lively and vibrant. Harshan and Rachna made their way towards the marriage procession.

"Harshan, my dress matches with the situation. What about yours?" Rachna shouted loudly staring at Harshan who was wearing a cool t-shirt with an open shirt and baggy pants.

"Rachna, we are only going to dance not going to their marriage." Harshan replied rolling his eyes.

"Dance? No, Harshan. I won't"

"Come on Rachu! You said your hobby is dancing and your legs are already tapping to the music. Let's go."

Rachna stood cursing her legs for betraying her. Shaking his head, Harshan held Rachna's hand and finally pulled her into the crowd. Initially, Rachna stood standstill but looking at Harshan and the surrounding people dancing enthusiastically to the music she gave up. She began dancing to the tunes freely. Although she had danced before her family and in competitions, the feeling of dancing under the open sky with hundreds of people crazily dancing around her was new to her. For a moment, she admired Harshan who was carefreely jumping and dancing confidently mostly to repeated steps.

Harshan was in a total awe to see Rachna dancing. Her shawl waved to and forth in air, her jhumkas tingling as she danced vibrantly to the music. As the procession moved forward, they made their way out. They were breathing out loudly and sat on a bench near them.

"That was so fun." Rachna beamed in joy.

"Didn't I say!" Harshan winked at her after catching hold of his breath.

"But you are a terrible dancer." Rachna mocked him.

"Hmmm, unfortunately I have to agree with you."Harshan replied scratching his head.

"Harshan, weren't you afraid to dance in public like that? People might have judged you." Rachna questioned him in a serious tone.

"Rachu, all the people there were busy in their dance. No one would have looked at me. Even if they had looked at my crazy dance and laughed at it, I don't care because I was doing something that made me happy." Rachna gaped at him trying to process the words he said.

"You mean you don't care about people's opinion." Rachna blurted.

Harshan chuckled at that and said, "I do care about their opinions until it is a positive criticism not the other way around."

Rachna gave a sad smile to him and stared at the streetlight until she thought of breaking her staring competition.

"Harshan, from day one, I have got judgmental looks from the employees in my firm. They have always judged my position in the company was due to my family background. They have always undermined my work. Even if I do a lamest mistake, it is considered as a blunder that will be excused because I'm the granddaughter of the firm's owner. You know sometimes it hurts when after giving my hundred and one percent, people say you could have done more better because you are the daughter of the great Prakash Verma." Rachna left a sob as she completed.

She was herself astonished to know that she had bottled up so much emotions in her and what astonished her more was she had chosen Harshan to vent our her emotions. She wondered maybe because he would have also been in her position somewhere in his life. She moved her eyes to look at Harshan with a fear that he might also judge her to be a feeble girl who had got everything in her life because of her family not due to her constant hard work and dedication. What she saw in his eyes was pure concern for her. Taking his handkerchief out of his pocket, he moved forward to wipe her tears. Understanding her unsaid words, he began speaking.

"Don't worry I'm not going to judge you." For a moment he stopped speaking and placed the handkerchief back in his pocket. Folding his hands across his chest, he looked at the once crowded street.

"When I joined my company, people had expectations from me, there was a constant pressure to do better and even some thought I was not the best for the position. At times I feared, I would not be able to sustain but I knew I was good. If you think that I am too proud of myself then I am." He lifted his collars in pride receiving a giggle from Rachna.

"I knew my potential and strengths were out of their bounds. I realized I hadn't join the company to prove my worth out to to the people there. I let my mind free from these thoughts and gave my best in my work only to satisfy myself not to please others. Rachna, remember no matter what we do people are going to judge us, pass their opinions so take the positive criticism and move forward in life just to improve yourself. Overall, it is you who has to be satisfied with your actions. Be the better version of yourself." Harshan said softly.

Rachna sat quietly beside him and reviewed her thoughts. Harshan was right she had always tried to prove others that she was worth of her position in the company. She had mattered others opinions more significant than her owns. She realized she had being someone to please others and a tear dropped from her round brown eyes.

"Rachna, shall I say you a magic?

Rachna nodded her head back and forth like a first bencher.

"When you are at work forget that you are a Verma just be Rachna who loves the work she does."

With a smile, moping her tears away, she moved her right hand forward to Harshan.

"Harshan, friends?"

"We are already friends Beautiful and its Harsh for you." Harshan gave his trademark charming smile to her. She smiled sheepishly.

"Now you know that we are friends. Let us celebrate it with the golgappas. What say?" Harshan stood up looking at the nearby small pani-puri stall.

"It is unhygienic to eat there. Lets go somewhere else." Rachna complained as she looked at the stall skeptically.

"Rachu, the world famous Mumbai golgappas are tastiest when we eat from street vendors. Now, no ifs and buts, let yourself free." Harshan gave her the best puppy dog eyes which successfully melted Rachna's heart and made her agree.


Rachna laughed holding her tummy looking at the tear rolling eyes of Harshan who was gulping the second bottle of water.

"Stop laughing. Its not funny." Harshan scowled and sniffled in his handkerchief.

"You should have accepted your defeat. I'm a champion in eating golgappas." Rachna said placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh please! I would have won if the golgappas weren't that spicy. How did you eat it man?" Harshan complained like a small kid whose lollipop was snatched away.

"Whatever! Now lets go home. Our family would be waiting for us." Rachna dragged him to the car.

The car ride was filled with their banters and teasing. Today, Harshan had seen the bold and strict Rachna dancing gleefully, sharing her inhibitions, pulling his legs and above all extending her hand of friendship. A pleasant smile creased his lips as Rachna giggled to one of his blunt jokes.



You're your biggest competitor. Keep spreading your wings.

Until then, goodbye!!

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