You Bitch

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Chapter 10

The next few moments were filled with Denver screaming at the top of her lungs.


Oh no. I said it. I revealed the one secret that exposed me and Ashton. It was over now no more pretending.

Gavin stood there not knowing what to do. My sister kept screaming at the top of her lungs, until her screams turned into cries.

Shit! More swear words. Why did I say that? Dammit Jennifer you couldn't keep your mouth shut this one time.

"Please tell me you are lying," she winced.

What could I say? I mean it was already out. I was gonna try still anyways.

"Umm jk..." I tried.

She punched the door, leaving a hole right in the middle. I flinched.

"Denver I-" I tried again.

I stopped there. I had no words. Nothing I could say to her could make it any better. She was feeling exactly how I felt when I walked in on them. Hurt and betrayed. I mean what no I didn't care he isn't my real boyfriend.

Ok maybe it wasn't worth it. I thought I wanted to see my sister in pain until this. This was BAD. She was battling between anger and sadness and it was not a good look.

"I trusted her," she said in between cries.

"I think its time for me to go," Gavin said while grabbing his clothes.

You think? He shouldn't have even came over in the first place. Then none of this would happen and my secret wouldn't have been revealed. What am I saying? This was my fault.

"Look if it helps any Denver, I was the one to walk in on them."

She looked at me shocked.


I nodded my head.

"Wow just like my typical sister to stay with someone who openly cheats on them. I know you are desperate Jennifer but you thats just too desperate."

So ofcourse she used this time to insult me. Just like that I stopped feeling bad for her. I mean how could I blame her? In her eyes I allowed him to cheat and stayed.

"Well she begged me not to tell you but now you know."

And with that I walked away. Still to her knowledge we were together and I was gonna leave it at that. I already knew once she confronted Hailey though my cover would be blown.

I had to tell Ashton. Ashton. If only he could've kept it in his pants, we wouldn't be in this situation. I was done keeping his secrets when he didn't care about me or this fake relationship.

From the other room I heard Denver getting ready to make a phone call. Oh no. I had to call Ashton before she did Hailey. I had to tell him our cover was blown.

I picked up my phone and dialed Ashtons number.

"Hey Jen wassup," he answered.

He sounded so sleepy on the phone. And as if his voice couldn't get anymore attractive. My heart fluttered. I mean no it didn't.

"Listen Ashton I have to tell you something..."

But before I could get it out I was too late.


I flinched once again.

"How could you?!"

I stared at Denver in confusion.

"You knew how I felt about him and you pretended to date him to intentionally hurt me."

Oh shoot. I caught the swear words this time. So I guess that must of meant she called Hailey before me. Our cover was officially blown.

I stared at her in disbelief.

Then the unexpected happened, before I knew it Denver was lunging towards me to swing on me.

She NEVER hit me before. Out of all the bullying and torture she NEVER hit me.

Before I knew it I started to defend myself and Denver and I began fighting.


"Jen what the fuck happened?"


I dropped my phone with Ashton still screaming for me.

That was all I heard before I blacked out.

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