Please don't tell my parents

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Chapter 1

I walked up to Ashton acting completely innocent. Since he wanted to pretend like there was nothing wrong with smoking on the side of my house, I would pretend like I didn't know his parents would be mad. You gotta ease your way into a blackmail. I could get him to do anything for me. Not to mention with the lie I just told, I probably needed some of that blunt myself.

I plopped down next to him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey Jen."

I scrunched up my face. I hated that name. Well two could play it that way.

"What's up Ash-y."

I smiled to myself victoriously.

"Look I'm really not up for your bullshit, Jennifer."

I flinched. I hated swear words. I rarely ever used them unless the time was really necessary.

"Well excuse me if you are on my property. Like who do you think you are?"

He gave me a cold stare.

"Well since I'm on your property, can you atleast get the hot twin to come out here and scold me. I bet me and her would have a much better conversation. Mostly because we wouldn't be talking."

I cringed. What a dick!? Like I hate my sister, but he didn't have to once again be another person to tell me she was the better sister.

"Look I know im not as hot as my sister, but atleast I'm not a major b word. Like what kind of person bullies her own sister?"

He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Wait...she bullies you?"

I nodded. Did he not hear her today at school? Then just like that the moment was over.

"You can not tell my parents that you saw me smoking. I have already been kicked out of every school in the city. Your school is the last resort, but if they see me smoking, I'll be shipped off to Military school for sure."

You think? I knew his parents would be disappointed, but I didnt think it was THAT bad. Military school? Who am I kidding now I was definitely gonna use this to my advantage. But how?

That's when it hit me. HE was NEW to MY school. No one at my school knew him except for me and my sister. Well everyone knew of him, but no one ever had the guts to talk to him. He was the new school's bad boy. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. I would be envied immediately if I was caught talking to him. As long as Hailey Anderson hadn't talked to him, then everything was alright.

"Hey Ashton, I've decided I'm not gonna let you off that easy."

As if. I was never planning to.

"What do you mean? Is there a catch?"

I smirked.

"Yes. You are hot and I need a boyfriend."

Wait did I just say that? Way to get balls Jennifer.

He gave me a cocky smile. Nope I should've took it back.

"Look I think it's cute an all that you find me attractive, but a lot of girls do. Except I don't find YOU attractive at all. Therefore I am not dating you. I rather date your bitchy sister."

Ouch that stung, but what was a girl to do. I HAD to get a boyfriend by school tomorrow and Ashton was the only guy I knew.

"Except you will. want your mom and dad to find out about your little weed incident. You know they won't hesitate to believe the innocent twin at the Ferguson's house."

He stared at me shocked.

"Are you blackmailing me?"

I guess I was. I am so bad ass for once in my life.

"Yes. Yes I am."

He sat there for like 3 minutes contemplating. Was he really gonna do it? He could just easily say no. But then if he did, I wouldn't hesitate to tell his parents he was smoking. I couldnt be THAT hard to fake date could I?

"Fine I'll do it, but on one condition."

"And what is that?"

This time he smirked.

"You get a makeover. I can't be with someone that looks like you."

That hurt once again. It was ok though. I should've seen it coming. I knew I needed a makeover, if I was gonna compete with Hailey Anderson and my sister. They would never believe I could get Ashton.

"Ok, but let's make some other conditions."

"1. No kissing," I said.

Ashton gave me a look like I was crazy.

"Are you out of your mind? No one is gonna believe we date, if we don't kiss."

He was right and I hated it. I was gonna be stubborn anyway though.

"Nope not happening. Only hand holding and hugging. Nothing else."

"So I guess that rules out sex too?"

I blushed. Sex was not even close to happening. I'm just an innocent child.

"Yes that is definitely not happening."

He made a pouting face.

"We will see."

I started to walk away then I remembered.

"Hey and Ashton one more thing."

"What is it?"

"I need a ride to school from now on."

Without waiting for his answer,  I walked away smiling victoriously. The reaction on my sisters face will will be so funny.

I walked in my house and called Mary.

She answered.


"Hey Jennifer. Why did you lie? I know I had your back, but you can't be doing that. We get made fun of enough."

I decided whether I should tell her if it's fake or not. Then I decided against it. We didn't need anyone blowing our cover, even if she was my best friend.

"I didn't lie Mary, you'll see. Oh and by the way, I need you to take me shopping."

After I said that. I heard her squealing for about 10 minutes on the phone.

"My Jen Jen is all grown up."

Ugh this was gonna be a long week.


I think this is a good chapter. Ashton is so mean. Please vote and comment.

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