Keep your slut hands out of my face

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Chapter 5

These past few weeks, Ashton had been acting cold toward me and I have no idea why. Like he would do the normal couple things that we usually did in school now that we announced it, but once school was over, he would not even talk to me. He just quietly took me to his house everyday and would slam the door to make sure I walked home. If I tried to make a conversation, he would just be say something to intentionally hurt me or not say anything at all.

It wasn't like people actually cared about our "relationship" anymore anyways. Everyone was too busy talking about my sister's annual party that my parents let her have every year because she was their favorite. Practically everyone from our school. They wouldn't tell me that ofcourse, but I just knew. Personally I absolutely despised parties. Even though I had to go to Denver's every year because 1, I lived in the house and 2, my parents forced me so that I could watch her.

Since I figured Denver was old enough to watch herself, I would just leave her while I went to my room and go on my phone. It had worked for the past 2 years, so why change the routine now. Who knows maybe I could ask Mary to bring some movies or something.

Today was Friday and the party was going to be tonight. I just couldn't wait (I thought sarcastically).

After I got dressed and ready, I walked downstairs to get some quick breakfast before Ashton picked me up. I was almost to the kitchen when someone blocked my way. I could see the delicious blueberry muffin just right there on the counter waiting for me, but I just couldn't get to it.

"First you take Ashton and now you are trying to take the last muffin. In your dreams Jennifer," my devil spawn sister said.

Ofcourse it was her blocking my way. I pulled my salt shaker out that I used on my lunches at school.

"Hey Denver, would you like to fill this up for me because my salt is running a little low," I asked.

"Haha so funny. You know what else is funny? You finding somewhere to stay tonight because you are NOT going to ruin my party with your ugliness."

Seriously! She was uninviting me to a party that was at MY own house. I bet she even got our parents to agree with her too like they always did. I couldnt let her win.

"Well I'll just go over Ashton's house then."

She laughed.

"You seriously think he is going to miss an opportunity to go to a party for you."

"Yes because I am his GIRLFRIEND so he would do anything for me."

She frowned. I loved making her mad with this.

"Now move out of my way," I said as I pushed her and ran to the muffin. Just as I was about to take my first bite though, I winked at her. Yeah that was a victory wink.

No more than 2 minutes later, Ashton pulled up.

I exited my house with the muffin still in my hand. He came out of the car and opened the door for me, to put on a show for Denver. She was at the door watching like a sad puppy. I hopped in the car.

"Hey Ashton."

"It's already bad enough that you are in my car, but now you are bringing food too. Nope throw it out now. If you'd like, you can throw yourself out with it too."

I laughed.

"Seriously are getting good with these jokes of yours."

"Im not joking Jen."

Ugh he knew I hated that nickname.

"Can you just drive, I already had to deal with my bitchy sister this morning, I don't need to deal with you too."

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