I'm yours

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Chapter 11

I opened my eyes to see Ashton standing over me. From a far distance I could hear a loud ringing sound, imitating that of a siren. I looked around. Where was I?

"Jen you opened your eyes thank God, you scared me for a second" I snapped back into reality.

"The jig is up Ashton. My sister already knows you don't have to pretend to care anymore" I said as I rolled my eyes "and where am I?"

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I was never pretending Jen I-"


Of course my bitchy sister. Yes just call me a cursing type of person at this point. I wasn't a fighter before but here I was getting in 2 of them just this week. As she walked up I could see her nose was bleeding a lot and her lip was busted. Did I do that to her?

"Ma'am calm down. I cannot help you if you keep screaming."

The officer walked up to me examining my face and then my sisters. I can't believe my own sister was trying to press charges on me as if she didn't hit me first. Wait thats right she hit me first!

"Officer I would like to inform you that my sister hit me first so it was actually self defense"

"Yes sir I was on the phone the entire time and I heard Denver attack Jen." Ashton chimed in.

The officer turned towards my sister with a disappointed look on his face.

"Well it looks like my time has been wasted. This is just a puny sibling quarrel and no place for law enforcement. Ms.Denver unless you are trying to be the one getting arrested, my job is done here." The officer then shifted his belt and proceeded to walk away back to his car.

Then Denver started to scream. And not just any scream. She let out a yelp like Regina George did in mean girls when she found out Katie played her. For once I was enjoying winning. I won our arguments now, I won the last blueberry muffin, I won our fight CLEARLY, and I won Ashton sort of. I was untouchable. For once I was the sister on top. Just as I thought that, Denver ruined it.

"So what if the police won't take you to jail. School will become jail, when I tell everyone you are a fraud."

Dammit. What was I thinking. Denver was always going to stay on top no matter what I did. I was always gonna be the loser sister. Well it was fun while it lasted. I was actually starting to get feelings for Ashton. I mean what am I saying no I was not.

Ashton started to laugh and I mean really crack up.

"Our relationship was never fake Colorado or whatever your name is.  That's just what we told Hailey because she was hot and I slept with her.  I didn't want people to think Jen was stupid for forgiving me so we lied. It was a mistake though I'm a one woman kind of guy now I think."

I looked at him dumbfounded. That was sweet I guess... Ashton could always say the wrong things when tryna say the right and his fuc- I mean messups was what made me fall for him in the first place. I mean choose him as my fake boyfriend in the first place. Ashton messing up her name was hilarious though.

"MY NAME IS DENVER IDIOT!" Denver screamed. "You mean to tell me you like actually like my lame ass sister?" Denver challenged as I winced. Her and these swear words.

"Lame? According to your face and Jen's nothing but scratches on her arms I would say you are the lame one. I mean you started a fight and still got beat up."

Then Ashton started laughing again. Like really hard this time and he was laughing so hard, he fell rolling on the ground. Seeing this Denver got really upset and as the drama queen herself she went home and locked me out the house.

"Can I just come to your place?" I asked Ashton.

It had been a long day and I needed to cool off and get the hell away from my crazy ass sister.

"Yes Jen I been waiting for you to ask" Ashton replied with a smirk.

"Eww I am not touching Hailey's leftovers."

Ashton winced.

"I'm not Hailey's though..." he took a pause then said "I'm yours."

I sucked in a breath. Did Ashton just say he was mine? We were alone though. There was no one around for him to keep this up. I was so confused.

I didn't realize where we were walking until we were back in the spot. The spot that started it all. We were in the same corner I found him smoking pot on.

He pushed me against the side of my house and pressed his body on mine. He looked down at me and stared deep into my eyes. I could not breathe at this point I sat there breathless just staring at him, too scared to look away.

He took a step closer as if we weren't already close enough and he moved his stare from my eyes to my lips.

"Damn you are beautiful even with scratches all over you," he said.

I caught my breath. Oh no it was happening again. He was gonna kiss me AGAIN. Why did he have this effect on me?

He leaned in slowly...just when I was about to catch my breath he crashed his lips into mine. There it was yet again those fireworks. The same electricity that jolted up my body whenever he kissed me. This time was different though because we didn't stop.

Ashton picked me up still against the wall and started walking towards his house, holding me in his arms. I pulled back from the kiss so he could see where he was going. I couldn't believe yet again we were breaking my rule. The only rule I ever had. Being a rule breaker was so fun though, I see why Ashton did it.

He walked me into his house and took step by step still holding on to me tight. I could feel something poking my lower region, but I did not know what it was. I looked down to see what it was and when I realized I jumped back, falling down the stairs.

"Jen what the hell?"

I looked down at his pants and then up back at him.

"Why is your thingy poking me?"

Ashton laughed.

"Are you serious right now," he asked looking at me still laughing. "Jen I'm just attracted to you thats all."

I looked at him in disbelief. He was attracted to me?! Me of all people
. He was the one always calling me the ugly twin and always saying he rather sleep with Denver, but now he was getting hard for me. I was so confused.

"Ashton why are we continuing this fake relationship?"

His face softened again like it did outside.

"Because Jen...it's not fake."

And at that moment I wanted to yell at him for continuing to call me Jen. Or for sleeping with Hailey. Or for even giving me the cold shoulder. I wanted to yell at him for constantly having me in an emotional rollercoaster. For always saying the wrong things with the right intent. Or even making me have a makeover just to be good enough for him.

Instead I did what I wanted to do and not the rational decision. I picked myself up off of the floor walked slowly towards Ashton and grabbed his face crashing my lips into his.

I don't care if he was mine for another second, minute, or even 100 years. THE Ashton was mine. And it wasn't for fake this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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