Jen let's go have sex in your room

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Chapter 4

Electric. Fireworks. That's all I felt on the inside of my body as Ashton kissed me. As his arms went around my waist, shivers rolled down my spine. Why was I enjoying this so much? He was only my FAKE boyfriend. This was just apart of his acting skills.

He pulled away shortly after and I nearly fell over. My knees went weak for a second. That stupid bad boy stole my first kiss and it was the BEST KISS EVER. Ofcourse I had only had one, so maybe it wasn't that good afterall. I specifically told him that kissing wasn't apart of the deal, but did he care? No.

Ashton snapped me out of my daze. I turned to my sister and watched as a tear rolled down her cheek. I could say I didn't care, but even though she bullied me, I could never be that heartless. Maybe I was taking this too far. I could have chose anyone else, but no I chose the boy my sister liked the most.

Denver gave me a look of pure hatred as if she could not hate me even more. I guess that meant that she believed us afterall. I mean I felt kind of bad for her, but that small part of me, the Ashton part made me feel no remorse. Yeah that's what I'm going to call the bad side of me for now on, the Ashton side.

I attempted to run after my sister, but Ashton pulled me back. I had forgotten for a second that we had class to go to.


After school Ashton decided to drive me home. Well, no he didn't decide, I  forced him.

It was silent in the car and I was wondering if Ashton liked the kiss as much as I did. I know that it was fake, but why did I feel this way?

It was probably not a big deal to him since he kissed a lot of girls. But then again I did specifically tell him no kissing was involved, so maybe he did want to kiss me.

No, I'm just over analyzing this. It was a fake relationship, that everyone else believed. There's no feelings behind this. I don't have any and I know for sure Ashton doesn't either.

When we arrived at my house he parked in front of my house.

"You know you could've just park at your house, I do live next door" I pointed out

"I know, it just gives me an excuse to come over" Ashton smiles smugly before getting out the car

I sighed. I really didn't want this guy in my house. He was over enough as it is

I got out the car and unlocked the door to my house.

"Make yourself comfortable," I stated sarcastically

He took my statement literally and immediately took off his shirt and jumped on my couch putting up his feet and put his arms behind his head.

I stared at him, not understanding if he just didn't get sarcasm or if he was just stupid.

But then again his toned body and that yummy set of abs were impressive and not so hard on the eyes.

I realized I didn't really have time to look at him before. Of course he was attractive, that wasn't something I was oblivious to. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were bright with a mischievous glint to it. His jeans hung low on his hips showing just a hint of those Calvin Klein underwear.

"Are you finished checking me out or do you need me to stand up so you can get a better look" Ashton smirked.

"Pft I-I wasn't checking you out. That's gross," I blushed knowing I had just gotten caught.

"Sure you weren't" he rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't, you're just imagining things," I blushed even harder.

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