New Thing

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I can't believe I am dating Mckenzie. She is the most perfect girl I have ever seen. We have been hanging out as much as we can but it's really hard because every time we hang out I have to pretend I'm hanging out with someone else. So, when I'm really excited I have to pretend like it's no big deal. Since Mckenzie and I started dating we have been to the movies, to restaurants, and I even took her to a sunflower field. Halfway through I kind of lost her and so I had to call her to find out where she was.

Tonight, Mckenzie has invited me over to meet her parents. I'm not sure her parents know if we're dating or not but I kind of hope they don't know so there would be a less chance of them telling my parents. I put on my favourite dress with some red high heels. I walk into the lounge room and I find my dad reading another newspaper.

"You look nice," my dad says. 

"Thanks," I reply. That's one of the nicest things he's ever said to me. Apart from that one time he said 'I love you.' He is one of those people who doesn't like to say words that are nice which is why that time was very special to me. "I'm going to a friends house for dinner."

"Do we know their family," my dad asks.

"Yeah, it's Isabelle's family." I really hope he knows who I'm talking about.

"Oh, right. There the ones who sit in the fourth row on the left side at church. My dad has certain seats for everyone and he knows everyone who goes to his church and where everyone is. "Well, be safe."

"I will." As I said he doesn't like saying nice things very much. I walk out the door and head off to Mckenzies house.

When I get there I knock on the door three times and she opens the door to greet me.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey. How are you."

"I'm good." I stand outside in the freezing cold and stare at Mckenzie. She is so beautiful. "Do you want to come inside."

I nod. She opens the door more and I walk inside. She guides me to the kitchen where her parents are. 

"Hi, Lilac," her mum says. "I'm Alecia. This is Jake." She points to the person standing next to her. Jake waves at me and smiles. "Dinner will be in 5 minutes."

"Okay," I say. Mckenzie grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs to her bedroom.

When we get in there she jumps on the bed and sighs.

"You didn't have to dress up," she says.

"Sorry," I say suddenly feeling awkward. 

"Don't apologise. You look stunning." I blush. No one's ever called me stunning before.

We talk about life for a few minutes until Alecia shouts us from downstairs.

We walk downstairs and on the table is a feist. On the table is five pizzas, a massive bowl of salad, over twenty cupcakes, and more. I have never seen this food all at once. I sit down and I don't know what to take first. I take a couple of slices of pizza and some salad. As I'm eating Alecia starts asking me some questions.

"So, how are you going Lilac," she says.

"Good," I reply.

"Have you and Mckenzie gone on a date yet," she says.

"Umm," I say. I don't know what to say. I don't even know how she knows. Well, obviously Mckenzie told her. I look at Mckenzie and she just looks down at the ground.

"It doesn't matter," Alecia says.

She asks me some more questions and as she starts talking to her dad, I whisper something to Mckenzie.

"Did you tell them," I ask?

"Yeah, I hope that's okay," she says.

"It's fine." I look at her and smile. "As long as my parents don't find out."

"They won't. And even if they do, they can't touch what we have. Because what we have is something special."

I smile at her and she smiles back at me. We finish our food and then I realize I have to leave.

"See you later," Mckenzie says kissing me on the cheek.


I walk home so excited. When I get home my parents are waiting for me.

"We have some exciting news," my mum says.

"What," I ask nervously. I hope the news doesn't have anything to do with me and Mckenzie.

"Tomorrow we are going on a holiday to Scotland to see whether or not we want to move there."

"What," I shout. 

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