New Troubles

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I stare at my dad unsure what to say. Alecia just told him Mckenzie and I are dating. I can smell his anger. His hands are clenched. His nostrils flare and his eyes narrow. I am going to die.

As we drive home we sit in the car in silence. I try and start a conversation but I have no idea what to say. I can't think of anything that doesn't involve me saying 'sorry.' And I know how much my dad hates me saying sorry.

We get home and as soon as we walk in the door my dad grabs a photo frame and throws it. It hits the floor and shatters into a million pieces. 

"Tell me she's lying," my dad shouts. "Tell me you have not being hanging out with Mckenzie even though we told you not to and tell me that she is not your g-g-g-girlfriend."

I stare at him in silence. Myhands are shaking and I don't know what to do. "Dad, I'm, I'm."

"How dare you," he shouts. "We raised you to be a kind, wonderful, STRAIGHT daughter and here you are blowing that up in pieces. I knew you should have never gone to that school." My dad stares at me and for a second I think he's going to hit me. "Go to your bedroom and stay there. Don't you dare come out of that room. You are never seeing Mckenzie again."

He grabs my hand and I try to pull away. "No, dad, please. I love her."

"There is no such thing as that love." 

He grabs my arm and drags me into my bedroom. He slams the door shut. I bang on the door fifty times before falling to the floor and bursting into tears. I hear my dad shouting and then the car pulling away.

I sit in silence and wait. I cry until there are no tears left in my body. Everything is drowned out by the voices in my head telling me that everything is never going to be the same. An hour later I hear a car pull up and then I hear my mom shouting. I walk out of my room to see what's going on.

"What did you do," I hear my mum shout.

"I just paid her a visit," my dad replied.

Paid who a visit. I walk down the stairs and confront them. "What's going on."

"Lilac, go back to your room," my mum shouts. She turns to face my dad. "Tell her what you did."

"Dad," I say in tears. 

"Go back to your room," he shouts.

Oh no. My dad paid Mckenzie a visit. What the hell did he do. He better not have hurt her.

"Where is she," I shout.

"How would I know."

I look at my parents and then at the front door. I run to the door but before I open it my dad shouts at me.

"Don't you dare open that door," he shouts.

I ignore him and open the door. I slam it shut and run as fast as I can. I run straight to Mckenzie's house. When I get there I bang on the door multiple times until Alecia opens it.

"What's wrong," she says looking at me.

My face is covered in tears and I'm breathing heavily. "Where's Mckenzie."

"She went to the park," Alecia says. "Why, what's wrong."

I feel more tears in my eyes as I realize that Mckenzie is alone. I run to the park. I run as fast as I can go. I don't stop for anyone or anything. As I run I almost get hit by a couple of cars but I don't care. All I care about is Mckenzie.

I run and run and run and run until finally I get to the park and I see her. She's lying on the ground. Her body is white, blood spilling from her stomach. Her eyes are closed. I run-up to her.

"Mckenzie," I say softly. I start crying.

"Mckenzie, Mckenzie, Mckenzie," I shout.

No answer. I don't know what to do. I want to scream, I want to shout but no one's here. I put my head to her heart but I can't here it beating. I feel tears fall down my cheeks as I realize she's dead. 

"Mckenzie," I whisper into her ear. "I'm so sorry. I should never have dated you. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I am going to do everything I can to fight for people like you and me. I will make it my mission because no one deserves to die. Especially not you."

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