Ten Years Later

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"Hi everyone," I say in front of a massive audience. "My name is Lilac. When I was younger my girlfriend died because my dad murdered her. He did this after he found out we're dating. After she died I made it my mission to stand up for the LGBTQ+ community. And just like me, there are millions of kids who get kicked out of their homes because their family doesn't support you. So I have worked and saved up all my money to build a home, a building, a safe place. When kids feel unsafe or they get kicked out of their homes they can come here and I'll take them in and help them until they can get back up on their feet. So, thank you for joining me today in the opening of the Lilac Building."

I grab the pair of giant scissors off the table as everyone erupts into applause.

"I hope by doing this all kids will feel safe no matter what," I say. 

I walk over to the front of the building where a giant red ribbon is. I look at the ribbon.

"This is for you Mckenzie," I whisper. 

I cut the ribbon and everyone erupts into applause. I am so glad I did this and I hope that Mckenzie is proud of me as well because I know if the roles we're reversed I would be so proud of her.

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