New Holiday Part 2

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We're on the plane back. My dad keeps looking at me like I'm doing something wrong. I can't believe we're moving to Scotland. I don't know how I will tell Mckenzie. I probably won't be aloud out of my house until after I've packed and that will take forever.

The plane lands, and we drive to our house. As soon as we get there I tell my parents I'm meeting up with a friend and when they allow me to go I run to Mckenzie's house. I am so tired that I can barely knock. Luckily, they here me and Alecia open the front door.

"Hi, Lilac," Alecia says letting me in. "Mckenzie is in her bedroom."

I run upstairs and walk into Mckenzie's room without knocking.

"What the hell," Mckenzie shouts. She realizes it's me and calms down. "Oh, it's you. What's wrong."

I sigh and fall on her bed and just lie there. I feel her hand as she messes with my hair.

"How was your holiday," she asks. I want to tell her but I don't know-how. I sit up and stare at her. "What."

"I'm moving," I say. Mckenzie looks at me shocked. "We went to Scotland to see if we wanted to move there and my dad does and so next week we're moving."

Mckenzie still looks shocked but she eventually turns sad. "Why didn't you tell me," she asks.

"I tried, I really tried. But I didn't know how because I knew that as soon as I told you, you would break up with me because being in a long-distance relationship would be too hard."

I start talking really fast and so Mckenzie grabs me and pulls me into a long hug. "Calm down. I'm not going to break up with you. Everything will work out, okay."

"Okay," I say.

We sit and talk and try to figure out ways of staying connected. We decided we will call each other every day and we will message each other all the time. And I will visit her every Christmas or she will visit me. After a while, I look at my watch to see the time. I feel like I'm meant to be somewhere right now. Shit. I'm meant to be at church. 

"I have to go," I shout.

I run downstairs and straight through the front door. I keep running hoping I'll make it in time but when I get there everyone is leaving. My dad is standing out the front and when he spots me his smile turns into a frown. Before he can talk to me Alecia walks up to him and starts talking to him. I walk up to them and try to be as calm as possible.

"Hi, dad, Alecia," I say.

"Hi, Lilac," Alecia says. I really hope Alecia doesn't say anything about Mckenzie and me. "I thought you we're at Mckenzies." Crap, crap, crap. I can't believe she just said that. I look at dad and he is just staring at me furiously. Please, please, please don't say anything.

"Why we're you at Mckenzie's, Lilac," he asks.

"I was just visiting an old friend of mine," I lie. I stare at Alecia and I really hope she gets the hint I'm sending her. Obviously, she doesn't.

"An old friend," Alecia says. "You guys hang out all the time. Aren't you two dating?"


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