11| This Again? pt. 3

Start from the beginning

Tam: ... I. O. G. F. F.

a Tam flushed disappears in the shadows

Sophie: *snickers*

Keefe: I think we been knew.

The others: *lost*


Biana: Now you know how we feel-

Tam: *reappears* Ok so-

Dex: WAIT! You didn't answer my question.

Tam: Yes I did! You just have to figure out the meaning yourself.

Dex: Or I can get Keefe or Sophie to help me.

Keefe: Nah, man, you're on your own.

Sophie: What he said.

Dex: *mumbles* some friends-

Fitz: Dex, you are the big brain here.

Dex: ... *covers his mouth* oh. OH


Dex: Don't worry I won't say anything. *( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*

Tam: ...Good. Okayyy... Linh.

Linh: Dare I guess.

Tam: I dare you... to that dance you use to do in the woods for everyone.

Linh: That's just mean *😞*

Biana: Oooh~ This sounds fun~

Linh: W-Well I guess...

(I'mma go into descriptive mode for this one)

Linh nervously started pulling water out of Sophie's drinking glass, shaping it into bubble-like stars of different shapes. She started humming a smooth tune that you could probably see ballerinas twirling to.

Sophie, Keefe, Dex, Tam, Fitz and Biana, in that order, sat in a semicircle around Linh as she prepped for her "performance".

Linh kept humming and started twirling around and flapping her arms-kind of like doing the chiken dance-while changing the shapes of the gathered water in the air.

Flicking her arms she brought the water together in a big, star shaped bubble at and spun straight into the center, bowing.

Everyone: *speechless*

Tam: Ohhh 'kay it's your turn, Linh.

Dex: ...Are we just gonna ignore how AWESOME THAT WAS!!!

Sophie: Liiiinh! That was amazingggg!!!

Keefe: Totally!!!

Biana: Awesome!!!

Fitz: How are you just now showing us this? oh my gosh!

Linh: Heh.. Thanks guys~

Sophie: So Keefe and Fitz are the only ones who didn't go, since Tam was clowned with me.

Tam: Hey-

Linh: You both can go at the same time? Truth or dare?

Both: Truth!

Others: ...

Keefe: What? Linh's lowkey evil.

Biana: That's something you don't hear everyday. Especially coming from you.

Sophie: Right?

Linh: ShHhH. When did you realize you had a crush on Sophie? Yes, both of you have to answer.

Sophie: Pardon-?

Fitz: ...

Keefe: Umm... Chile... anywaysss SO-

Linh: Actuaaallllyyy.. I just want Fitz to answer this one.

Keefe: Phew-

Fitz: Pain.

Fitz: Hmmm... A while after that splotching match actually-

Dex: Lowkey kinda disappointed.

Linh: Same.

Fitz: Rude.

Fitz: Keefe. Truth or dare?

Keefe: Dare, of course.

Fitz: I dare you to dare Sophie to do the dare you were first trying to dare her.

Keefe: I had a stroke trying to follow that sentence.

Biana: Pffthahaa-

Fitz: In the first round I think, you changed the dare.

Keefe: Oh. OH. nonono-

Sophie: Are you forgetting the consequence? *😂*

Keefe: ...I hate you all.

Linh: We love us too.

Everyone: *Lmao-ing*

Keefe: Biannnaaa! Back me up? *puppy dog face*

Biana: Nope!

Sophie: *Mutters* Heartless-

Biana: That face only works on Sophie.


Dex: Cmon, Keefe, just do itttt.

Keefe: Dex I'll fight you.

Dex: Bet.


Linh: Keefe, you better do it or I will.

Keefe: ... I- Fine. If this backfires-

Fitz: Stoppp stalllinggg.

Keefe: So umm.. *in tiny* Idareyoutogoondatewithme?

Sophie: ...Wellll... A dare's a dare. *( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*

(*ahem* no unlocked spoilers please *ahem*)

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