29| Unhinged asf

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So this is gonna be in Sophie's PoV first person 😃 just a little wilder than her cannon personality💃
there will be swearing- just sayin

also i refused to beleive that KotLC is a kids' book-


Keefe and Fitz where fighting about who the pretty best friend- AGAIN. Mr. Golden boy needs to pack it up because not only are ALL ELVES HOT AS FUCK (currently crying, don't hit me up) but this is unnecessary and Keefe is hotter imo.

Evidently, I was done with their shit and jumped in

"OKAY, SO. Let's end this here: You both are ugly." That hurt to say. Caught in a LIEEEEE-

Sorry I'll shut up.

"Dang, Foster. That hurt-" Keefe whined.

"It hurt me more than it hurt you. Trust me." I rolled my eyes. "I'd like to nominate Biana as the pretty best friend."

"I object-" Fitz started to say but i cut him of.

"Cute, you think you have a say in this. Spoiler: You don't. Are you two done?"

Keefe snorted. "You're extra snarky today, aren't you?" He smirked. For fuck's sake stop being hot for one second will you?

"Yes, I'm high on melatonin." I was.

Fitz probably started a tornado with that sigh. "You know you're not supposed to take too much."

"I know. Yes. Did i listen? Do i ever?" They had to admit I have a point there.

I picked up a pen from the desk on the other side of the room and started retracing the words i wrote there. In my opinion, they look like badass tattoos. I should have Keefe drew something for me.

"Hey, Keefe, can you do something here?" He's gonna say no, but it doesn't hurt to try.

He started walking over. "What's you're obsesson with writing on your hand? Hmm, i can't read this." Yeah... sometimes I forget they don't speak English.

"Don't worry about it."

"SOPHIEEEE!" Sky Daddy, send help please.

Biana came into the room holding up bags. "Get in the bathroom. It's hair time." Beautiful. Just great.


"Cute of you to think you have a say in this " she interrupted. Well shit.

In conclusion, karma is a bitch. And don't let Biana have a free for all with your hair, mine is purple now.

Worst part is....

I don't hate it.

Shoot me.

When we got out the whole squad was there. Who invited them? Welp, i learned to put up with it. My room is a hangout space at this point. "You know what would be better!?" I yelled because yes.

"Wait." Tam got up and waved his hands around dramatically. He's high too? Nice. "Hang."

This is is why I hang out with him. "YES, TAM." We high-five.

"How about: No." Dex, Dex, Dex. Do you have to kill the fun? "Not while you're high."

"But that's the best time!" Tam and I yelled.

"You two are psyco." Titz rolled his eyes.

I had the nerve to say, "I know right."

Realise that "Titz" is a typo but im not fixing it
deal with it🤝


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