40| get some sleep please

551 24 37

"Anyone gonna tell the humans that COVID isn't real and someone just has a Death Note™?"

"Keefe you're not making any sense, go to bed."

"C'mon, Foster, think about it: People are only dying because the owner wrote it like that!"

"Gooo too beeeed!" Tam yelled.

"What if it's some hormonal, gay teenager who's just killing anyone who inconveniences them, " Keefe continued, ignoring him.

"Mood, " Linh sighed.

"Mood, " Sophie repeated.

Keefe paused. "So we're gonna ignore that-! You agree right?!"

"He has a point. " Dex agreed.

"I'm just gonna stay quiet, " Fitz said.

Sophie piped, " As you shouuuld. Stay the sane one. "

"Got it." He fell asleep.

"I'm done with this conversation." Tam said.

"Yeah, sure. Anyways... The kid just kills anyone who makes them sightly bothered. So they're just wiping out millenials basically. "

"Sounds legit, " Linh agreed.

"They have great cover story, " Sophie hummed.

Dex nodded. "They're genius. "

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