10| This Again? pt.2

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Sophie: Not helping. uGhhh. Fine. Um... Dare.


Keefe: Bad choice Foster.

Sophie: *rolls eyes* You said they were both bad choices.

Dex: You did say that.

Keefe: ShhHhhHh

Keefe: I dare you to g-

Biana: Wait!

Biana: *Whispers* Change the dare.

Keefe: What? why?

Biana: Because...

**✿❀ ❀✿**ಥ‿ಥ**✿❀ ❀✿**

Sophie: What were you two whispering about? that's sus.

Dex: Yes it is.


Dex: You changed the dare.

Biana: We changed the dare.

Dex: Oh my gosh whyyyyy? *proceeds to throw tantrum*

Dex: Keefe you're a chicken.

Tam: I agree with this one hundred percent.

Keefe: I am NOT A CHICKEN! Biana wanted to embarrass them!

Linh: Them?

Keefe: You'd be happy she changed it.

Dex: But my shi-

Keefe: *Covers Dex's mouth* Think about what you gonna say-

Linh: *Dying at this point*

Sophie: *Confused af* Did he say ship-

Keefe: NO! He didn't- anyway-

Keefe: You and Tam have to do this one.

Linh: *Gasp laughing* you- didn't- *wheeze*

Tam: Funny. There is NO way-

Biana: Condition.

Tam: Fine.

Sophie: Wait- I didn't agree to this-

Fitz: You don't have a choice. *Also laughing*

Linh: C'mon you two it not even that bad. We've seen it. *points to herself and Keefe.*

Dex: Plus aren't we a best friends.

Sophie: Not after this, jerk! *Sticks her tounge out*

Keefe: just do it and well join in after a while. *still laughing*

Sophie: Fine. But you and Linh are starting with us.

Keefe: Fine by me. Linh?

Linh: Sure.

Sophie leaped home to get her laptop and brush.
Now they're back a Everglen.

Sophie: Hey, Tam, what song?

Tam: Mic drop.

Sophie: Remix?

Tam: Yep.

Sophie: Okay! Let's go..



Dex: Totallyyy

Fitz: Yesssss

Keefe: See I told you it'd be fine.

Sophie: Shore. But we'll have to find somewhere to hang out when we do these 'cause I don't think Tam's room could handle it.

Tam: My room can't handle it.

Fitz: Stop-

Biana: So here from now on?

Sophie: Yeah sure.

Tam: Sure.

Biana: You're not out of truth or dare by the way.

Rant time hehe

Not Soobin looking cute af and using tiktok transitions

Not Yeonjun Bias wreaking me

Not Beomgyu looking so cute with that dog it could rival Namjoon's Stay Gold moment😳

Not Kai and his hair flips-

Not taehyun in shorts

Not them making this song about COVID

Not them using the Anime filter-!

Not them taking mirror selfies

Not them on a Zoom call

I. loved. every. second. of. it.

-esmxthyst ^^^this was mad gay of me ngl
how did i not know

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