9| This Again?

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Sophie: No.

Biana: Yes.

Sophie: NO!

Biana: YES!

Fitz: How long is this gonna taaakeee?

Linh: I don't know. Last time it took an hour.

Dex: I cannot wait an hour-

Sophie and Biana: *still saying yes and no in the background*

Dex: ALRIGHT! *pulls out a quarter* Let's flip a coin.

Sophie: Where'd you get a coin?

Dex: Don't question me. On three, call it.

Dex: 1...2...3!

Sophie: Heads!

Biana: Tails!

Coin: *Tails*

Keefe: Linh cover your ears.

Linh: I am older than yo-

Tam: *Covers them for her*

Sophie: ---!

Linh: *epic eyeroll*

Biana: Now that that's over with. *Sits down on pillow* Let's play.

Keefe: I never thought she could get more evil.

Dex: What do you mean mo- Ooohh... That's what they were arguing about...


Biana: Truth or dare! let's playyy~

Everyone: ...

Biana: Or else I get to give all of you makeovers.

Biana: Fitz seriously needs one.

Fitz: Rude!

Sophie: Oooohh nooo.. Listen guys. You're all playing.

Linh: I don't see a problem?

Keefe: She's going to go all Beauty-guru-Biana on us. And not just Sophie- all of us.

Dex: Do you mean half-way or fully?

Fitz: FULLY OF COURSE! Look at the creepy look on her face!

Biana: *Silently filing her nails while watching them all and grinning*

Tam: Ooookayyyy.. I'm in. *sits down*

One by one they all sit in the circle of pillows Biana made.

Biana: Okay. I'm first!

Biana: Hmmm...Tam! Truth or dare?

Tam: I am not taking any dares from you. *shivers remembering the last time*

Biana: Yay! I heard you an Sophie have "jam sessions" whatever those are, what did you do in them?

Tam and Sophie: *nervous sweating*

Linh and Keefe: Oh this is gonna be good.

Tam: Listen to music. Okay! My turn!

Linh and Keefe: *visable disappointment*

Biana: Wait! You didn't actua-

Sophie: Yes, he did. You didn't ask for details. *smirk*

Dex: *to Keefe* I swear she's becoming more and more like you every day.

Keefe: How is that a bad thing?

Dex: It's-

Tam: Keefe.

Keefe: What?

Linh: *whispering* Choose truth or dare.

Keefe: *also whispering* I know that-

Keefe: You how I never back down from a dare Bangs Boy.

Tam: I noticd that you were staring into space just now. I dare you to tell everyone here what you were thinking about.

Keefe: That sounds like a truth and why were you watching me-

Tam: It isn't and I just glanced. Now stop dodging the question.

Keefe: uhhh..

Fitz: Looks like we'll have to use the condition.

Biana: Oh?

Dex: What's the condition?

Keefe: Yeah, what is it?

Biana: Welll~ To forfeit you have to eat Fitz's cooking for dinner.

Keefe: I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Fitz: It is not that bad!

Biana: It's what a coward deserves.


Keefe: Yeahhh no way.

Keefe: I was thinking about.. someone. Yes! Payback time.

Biana: You need to stop giving such vague answers! I want the teaaaa. *Defeated*

Sophie: Yeah? Well, too bad. NEXT.

Tam: Funny of you to rush.

Sophie: Keefe, I swear to Go-

Keefe: Truth or dare?


Linh: *to Biana* I told you she'd figure it out.

Sophie: Okayyyy.. what do you want this time.

Biana: No no. Play the game.

Sophie: I-

Linh: Just pick!

Keefe: Yeah, it's gonna be bad either way.

Sophie: Not helping. uGhhh. Fine. Um... Dare.

to be continued...

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