25| Normalize it 🐨

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"NORMALIZE PRAISING DEX FOR THINGS HE DIDN'T DO!" Sophie randomly screamed in the middle of the movie.

They where spread out on Sophie's bedroom floor, swadled in blankets.

"Sop-" Fitz started.

"YESS! YES YES! YES! YEAH!" Keefe agreed, wholeheartedly.

"I swear, everytime I come over you all act so high," Fits complained, you could tell he was mentally facpalming.

Sophie, Keefe, Tam, Linh and Dex looked at each other. "You don't have to be around for us to be high," Tam said, "it's just fun seeing you weirded out."

"M-hm, m-hm," Dex nodded.

"Well, count me in," Biana hummed, chugging the last of her lushberry juice. "THANKS FOR DISCOVERING LUSHBERRY, DEXXXX!"

"Wait, don't actua-" Dex protested

"Thanks for inventing TV, Dex," Biana added.

"Please, stop."

Everyone responded, "No."

"Sophie, I'll tell everyone you have a c-"


Tam snickered, "Thanks for inventing blackmail, Dex."

"TAM'S A FANBOY!" Dex spilled.


"Tam," Linh stated.

"Linh," he replied.


Thank Dex here 😻 >>>

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