42| Boxer

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Sophie's pov

"YEAH!! GET IT BLOND GIRL!!" blond girl?

I was this close to beating this bitch but the guy distracted me. I ducked before I was slammed.

"HEY! THANKS, BUT SHUT UP!" I delivered the finishing blow to his stomache because SOMEONE thought it was a good idea to eat before fighting me. The asshat was to confident.

I wiped my face and jumped out of the ring onto the concrete floor. This blond guy, probably my age ran up to me. "That was so awesome! Wanna teach me?"

"Who are you? "

"That's a secret!" he winked.


"I find it suspicious that I'm not being knocked out right now."

"You said you wanted to learn."

"Yeah, but I'm a stranger."

"You're being very hypocritical Mr. Stranger," I said. Yeah, I have no sense of self preservation.

"Touché. When the first class!?"

"Class? No no no. I don't have the commitment for that," I would seriously forget about him. Photographic memory who? "We're doing this in one go, even if it takes all day."

"Okay? I learn fast, I guess. Only if I get knocked out at least once."

"You kinky motherfucker."

"I've fucked no mothers." This dude is a vibe. I highfived him.


So maybe I lied and we did the classes. The guy, we didn't give names so we call each other Shark (that's me, don't ask why) and Banshee (that's him), was actually pretty good at this.

Here we are. Sparring. I not gonna explain 'cause I can't even remember what the fuck happened. All I know is I somehow fell of a cliff???

Now I'm standing a behind him and he's screaming. Understandable. He turned around.

"What the fuck just happened?"

"I dunno, Ban, I think I died."

"You're very alive." He rolled his eyes.

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