7| Keeper Crew vs The Internet

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Sophie: *carrying a bags of boxes* So~ *Holds up bags* I got you guys laptops!

Linh: What's a-

Sophie: Shhhh. I'll teach you.

Tam: *mumbles* I'll be your teacher...

Sophie: Mainly, I got them so that I can take mine back from Tam.

Keefe: *Snickers* And why does Bangs Boy have your laptop? *Smirks*

Sophie: Oh. Now he's a professional fanb-

Tam: I WAS LISTENING TO MUSIC! *scoffs* Yeah. Totally not freaking out over a- uhm...
*Tugs bangs*

Linh: He's obse-

Tam: *Covers Linh's mouth*

Sophie: Same, Tam, same.

Sophie: Anywaysss...

After helping them set up and customize their laptops

Fitz: What do we do on these things?

Sophie: I mostly watch... videos...

Tam: Don't be shy~ What kind of videos? *Evil smirk*

Sophie: Uhmmm.. *Looks for any possible opening to dodge the question* OH! Let's watch memes! And since Tam is so fluent, he'll find us some.

Dex: Sounds... fun?

Marella: You'd be surprised.

Everyone: *Looks at Marella*

Marella: What? I'm cultured.💅🏼

At Everglen 2 Days Later

Sophie: *Bumps into Dex*

Dex: Stooop.! I could've dropped my crossoint.

Sophie: Pfft-

Keefe: Guysssss! You won't believe this!

Linh: What?

Keefe: I'M FAMOUS! Look at this!

Shows them Twitter account the made the night before

Keefe: I made this account last night and...

32 following 841k followers

SoKeefe: Keefe! How the actual h-

Keefe: I DoN't kNoW. *Raises hands* I had it for five minutes and it really said 'You wanna see some real speed, b-'

Dex: SOMEONE HAS to beat him!

Biana: I agree! Let's see who can get the most followers in five minutes!

Tam: It won't be me so someone else better beat him. He's already getting cocky. *Rolls eyes*

Keefe: *to Fitz* Don't talk to me! I'm famous. *pose*

Sophie: ... Wanna place bets.

Linh:: Are you sure you wanna-

Tam and Biana: Say less.

Sophie: I'll bet it'll still be Keefe.

Biana: It'll be Fitz.

Linh: I don' think you shou-

Tam: Dex. You know crazy fangirls like the underrated one.

Sophie: And how do you know that. *smirk*

Tam: I-I don't! *To Biana* Keep her away from Keefe.

Sophie: Anyways.. 50 lusters?

Tam and Biana: Deal!

Linh: I give.

Ten minutes later

: Ugh!

Tam: I KNEW IT! Pay up girls.

Sophie and Biana: Whatever. *rolls eyes*

Other boys: You bet on us!?

Linh: I told them not too!

Keefe: But.. who won?

Sophie: Tam.

Tam: Me. As was expected.

Fitz: Whose cocky now?

Tam: Shut up.

Biana: Well, we know who's the real MVP! *gestures wildly to Dex*

Dex: *blush* t-thanks? I guess-

Keefe: Don't be modest, man! Claim your victory! Boss us around! OH, you even get a new nickname!

Dex: Is that necessa-

Everyone else: Yes! Very.

Della: Periodt! Also, I brought snacks.

Commence Rampage

(Just Dex getting the attention he deserves
after the among us incident)

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