Starry Skies #Frostsilver

Start from the beginning

He'd never been to a beach before. He'd never gotten the chance. His childhood had been filled with dusty streets lined with cream coloured buildings - their plaster cracking in the midday sun. The crumbling flats were interspersed with old, copper-roofed buildings. They were beautifully ornate and the stark green roofs stood out against the haze that passed for a sky. It was the epitome of urban sprawl: grey buildings cobbled together in months to house a growing population crawled away from the city centre to take over the landscape. It was home though; nothing even remotely close to a beach.

The sky above them now looked blank at first glance. An empty canvas with a few accidental white splatters. As Pietro focused though, he could see clusters of pinpricks. Some with a blue tinge, others orangy or red. There were no clouds at all. Infront if him was empty sea. This would normally be frightening: the sea leading off into nothing and the trees rustling ominously. However, the soft chattering from the trees and the wash of the sea was strangely calming.

Something was out of place. It took Pietro a moment to notice that the surf sneaking up the beach was glowing. It was full of little blue lights like pearls, or maybe moonstones. It was beautiful. Magical.

Pietro had been silent for a while now and Loki was starting to lose confidence. He walked over quietly to Pietro's side and gingerly put an arm around his waist.

"Why does it glow?" Pietro whispered.

"It's bioluminescent algae. It glows in the dark," Loki replied, gently rubbing his thumb up and down Pietro's side. "We're at the Sea of Stars in the Maldives."

Pietro relaxed into his arm at the soothing motion and leant in towards Loki's body, wrapping his own arm around Loki's waist. At this point Loki had lost all ability to move his legs. There were no words to describe what he was feeling.

There was a word to describe the next feeling. Several in fact. These words would be soggy, suprising, and cold. A small wave had come up the sand further than the rest of them and had washed carefully over Pietro and Loki's shoes. Pietro had jolted back at the sudden feeling, with his arm still twined with Loki's. They tumbled down on the sand next to eachother, laughing. Pietro was leaning on his side with one arm half dug into the sand, while Loki rested back on his forearms and stared up at the stars.

"Thank you," Pietro said with a soft smile, "it's not everyday someone does something like this for me."

"My pleasure," Loki smiled in return.

Pietro rested his hand on Loki's, who turned his head at the sudden touch. Pietro took this opportunity to kiss him softly on the cheek, which Loki returned with a longer one on the lips. Then another. Pietro slipped an arm back around Loki as the kisses continued.

"You're cold," Pietro mumbled inbetween kisses.

"Warm me up then, darling?" Loki smirked against Pietro's lips.

Then Loki remembered the food. Both were slightly breathless and Loki was feeling significantly warmer. Grazing a hand across Pietro's cheek Loki pulled away slowly, savouring the last of the moment.

"The food will get cold dear," he said gently.

"You should have told me sooner," Pietro replied, grinning. He gingerly removed his fingers from Loki's hair and climbed off him, offering a hand. Loki stood up gracefully and clasped Pietro hand, guiding him to a small glow near the trees.


Layed out at the border between the trees and the sand was a thick cotton blanket. It was mostly white, but had bands of colour streaked across it, and it was covered with cushions. Candles surrounded a bottle of Pinot Grigio. And 2 boxes of pizza.

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