Chapter 17 | New Years

Start from the beginning

"Oh shut-it," Harry gasps in offence but recovers soon after. 

"You're coming to Barbara's party tomorrow night right?" Liam asks. 

"Yeah it sounds fun." Liam nods his head and we all sit back down to finish our food which has gotten cold by now. 

Before Barbara's Party (New Year's Party)

I slip on a white t shirt over my bare chest and tug on a pair of ripped black skinnies. I walk over to my suitcase and unzip the outer pocket, pulling out a small silver ring after digging through the unecessary amount of toiletries I had collected over this tour. I examine the silver band before slipping it in my pocket. The ring had a small clear stone on top that brought a small sparkle to the simple band. 

I try to shake of the nerves and finish blow drying my hair but my mind keeps going back to the ring in my pocket. It seems to get heavier and heavier, its getting hard to ignore. I turn off the blow drier and pull the ring back out from my pocket, fumbling it slightly in my hands. Did I really want to do this? Of course I do, it's not like I'm asking her to marry me, yet anyways, it's just a promise ring. I love her and I really do see my self spending the rest of my life with her. I shouldn't be this nervous right? I just don't want to scare her away. I know it's kind of soon but, it's been a couple of months and I know she's the one I am meant to be with so why not? 

These thought run rampid in my head until I finally some to my senses. I calm down and slip the ring back into my pocket and pick up the blow drier. Diana was out with Gigi, who coincidentally was in LA for the party, looking for something to wear to Barbaras. It had given me enough time to go out a buy the ring and get back in time for no one to notice I was missing. 

"Hey Ni," Diana walks into the bathroom with two bags in her hands. "I saw these while I was out shopping and thought you'd like them." Diana reaches into one of the bags and pulls out a box of shoes. She smiles and hands me the box. I set the blow drier down onto the smooth granite countertop. I open the box and pull out a pair of black high top vans. "I know there not much but-" I cut her off by kissing her, savoring the sweet taste of her pink lips. 

"I love them." I smile while looking sincerely into her piercing green eyes. "Ill wear them tonight." 

"You better." She smiles proudly and saunters off back to the bedroom. I laugh and pull both shoes out of the box and lace them up on my feet. Diana had already changed into her outfit she bought for the party and she looked absolutely flawless but, when does she not. She's wearing a two piece white set with a long skirt and a detailed bodice with long loose sleeves. 

She's still looking at the bed, I assume she's picking out some jewelry to wear based off of the many pairs of earrings that were scattered across the bed

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She's still looking at the bed, I assume she's picking out some jewelry to wear based off of the many pairs of earrings that were scattered across the bed. I sneak up behind her until my chest is almost pressed up against her back. I lean my head forward. "You should wear the silver ones." I whisper into her ear. 

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