Chapter 24

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Saturday Afternoon

I walked around the city of Los Angeles because today was my date with Mateus. The guys and I also got 4 days off and they decided to go to  LA with me.

Joe was with Galina, Colby was with Leighla, & Jonathan was with Renee Y. Yeah there's two Renee's in the business. I got my phone out and called Mateus.


"Hey Mateus! It's Renee."

"Renee! Which state are you in?"

"Well... I'm here!"

"You're here where?"

It took him a minute to know where I was.

"Oh! You're here! In L.A!? Oh my god! Um... where do you want to meet? "

"What about this cafe I see near a park on Donovan Rd.?"

"Sure! I know that place. See you in 10 minutes."

"Bye!" I smiled and pushed the off button, excited for my date with Mateus.

I went into the cafe and Mateus was there. He waved over and we both hugged each other.

"I'm so happy to see you again Mateus!" I said.

"Me too!" He said back.

We both sat and a waitress came over to us. "Would you like anything?" She asked.

"I would like coffee and chocolate cake." Mateus said. "And I would like a vanilla cappuchino and a blueberry muffin." I said. She nodded and left.

"How's the acting career?" I asked. "Very complicated. How's the wrestling career?" He asked back.

"Exausting, lots of work, and fun!" I said. Mateus smiled and shook his head.

The waitress came back with our snacks and left.

Mateus slowly put his hand on mine. "Renee... I have to confess something." He said.

"W-What?" I felt strange with Mateus holding my hand. "Renee... I love you. You have always been in my thoughts and my heart always feels strange when I just say your name! Renee, I know we've been hanging out for a month, but will you be my girlfriend?"

I was in shock. Mateus loves me!? I was frozen for a few seconds until I found my voice.

"Yes Mateus I would love to!"

He smiled and we paid for our snacks and went to the park, holding hands.

We sat in a bench near by and Mateus looked into my eyes and kissed me. But I felt someone was watching.

I then stopped it and got up. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Mateus... let's go so you can meet my family."

The New Life (WWE/Dean Ambrose fanfic) **WILL SEVERELY EDIT**Where stories live. Discover now