Chapter 22

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Monday Night Raw

The guys and I were waiting out in the lobby getting ready because the guys were going to go up against Sheamus, Uncle Bryan, & dad for a chance to be in Elimination Chamber. "Are you guys ready?" I asked. They nodded. "Renee Cena!" A fan shouted, but I ignored. More fans shouted our names: "Jon Moxley, Tyler Black, LeeKee, Diana Ross, etc.!" Then our theme song played.


We all went down the stairs as the boys were being announced. "Coming down the aisle, being accompanied by Diana Ross, weighing 707 pounds,  the United States Champion, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns. The Shield!" People cheered and booed as we past by, getting touched on the shoulders. When all of the sudden Sheamus's theme song played, Daniel Bryan's, & then Dad's.

I stood out of the ring as the match started with Dad and Seth. I was yelling and encouraging the guys, but after a while Roman got caught in Dad's STF. I yelled for him not to tap out, and shockingly powered out of it! Then all of the sudden the Wyatt Family came in and attacked. The bell rang and Justin Roberts announced: "As a resault of a disqualification, your winners: Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, & John Cena!" The guys and I stood there in disbelief and started throwing fits. We couldn't believe it! The Wyatt's costed my bros match! I kicked the announce table, Seth threw things, Roman pushed the steel stairs, & Dean yelled. After the show was over we were all packed, ready to go and well.... we were also laughing.

"Did you see Colby!? He was like "Ugh!" and you two were like so funny kicking things!" Joe said laughing. "I know right!" I said. We kept laughing, when all of the sudden my phone started ringing.


"Well if it isn't Renee Cena! Or should I say Diana Ross!?"

"I'm sorry but who is this?"

"Wow! It's me Mateus! Why would you lie to me Diana?"

"Why would I lie to you Mateus? I lie to nobody!" I said, getting a little annoyed.

"You said your name was Renee, but here on t.v it says Diana Ross."

"Oh! Like you actors on tv we have fake names too! Sure my name is Renee Cena, but inside the ring I'm Diana Ross, second-in-command of the Shield."

"Oh, sorry Renee! Wait, so is the fighting you do fake?"

I took a deep breath and cover my face with my hand and pushed my hair back. There's been a situation with our fans in weither wrestling is fake or not, and well we've all been annoyed by that lately.

"Renee? Are you there?" Mateus asked.

"Sorry Mateus, it's just.... we wrestlers have been annoyed by these "Is wrestling fake or real" questions lately. And my bros and I get irritated and annoyed easily by them."

"Oh! I'm sorry Renee I didn't know, but I was wondering if-"

"Diana we have to go!" Joe yelled.

"Be right there!" I yelled back. "Sorry Mateus but I have to go!"

"Diana are you available, Saturday!?" He said but I hung up to quickly, but luckily I texted yes when we were in the car.

Hopefully our new friendship will grow into something more! 

I could even bet on it!

A/N: Sorry I wasn't updating in a while, have school work! DX Can't wait to make the next chapter!!!!!!!! Any ideas on what "date" Mateus and Renee should have?
COMMENT BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your ideas would be totally appreciated!

                                                   ~ WWEFANGURL19~

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