But you did it on em

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💔Nicki's POV👋
I kicked her out and I do not regret it and Jada well I haven seen her in 8 days so I guess she's ok. "nicki you shouldn't get mad bey just did something that was gonna happen sooner or later you know she had a crush on Jay z when we were in school so." rhianna said "i know rhi it's just the fact that she cheated and she tried to marry me and I acepted it and we were gonna have a family..." I began getting mad. "AND I FUCKIN TRUSTED HER WHEN SHE WROTE THAT NOTE ON THE BOX. SHE BETTER BE FUCKIN GLAD ROMAN DIDNT PAY HER A VIST." I said throwing stuff. that's when somebody knocked on the door and rhi opens it. "I just came to get my stuff." bey said "you not takin yo fat ugly raggedy ann lookin ass in this house bitch." rhi said. bey had a tear come out her eye and she just left I kinda felt bad and I still had feelings for her I just didn't know if she would cheat again like it was somthing holding me back. I pushed rhi out the door way and ran after bey. "bey wait!!!" I said but she was gone in her car. "why are you chasing after her she did you wrong." rhi said. she really pissed me off. "BUT SHE WAS THERE WHEN YOU WAS WITH CHRIS NOW GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE." I said pointing to the door. "I thought it was going to be me and you all they way Nika." she said "you know what I'm tired of your bull shit cause you hurt her once and now twice I'm Tierd of you hurting her." I said. "whatever." she said leaving
Bye 👋
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Whatever 😒
Jada Tamia Maraj 💕👋💔💍💋

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