Pills and potions

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💕Jada's POV✨
"Get up baby." miah said shaking me. "stoooooppppp.." I groaned. "come on Jada I wanna take you to dinner." he said. I sat up and looked at him. "were we going to eat at."I said best believe Jada ain't turning down some food especially if ya eating for two. "The new restaurant." he said. "what's the name of it."i said. "the new restaurant." He said. I looked at him as if he was crazy and just shook it off and got up and did my hygiene and went to my closet he said put something on nice so, I put on my white dress that complemented my curves and put my red bottom heels on and my ring with my diamond necklace with my diamond watch with my diamond earrings with some diamond bracelet....just say I was iced out. I met him at the front door and he stopped me. "what." I said. "you look....hell you look like...dayummmmm." he said. I rolled my eyes and he stopped me again. "what now..." I said. "give me yo hand." I gave him my hand and he took my ring off. "no no no what ya song I wanna stay iced...so miah give me the ring."I said holding my hand out he grabbed my hand and put the ring on the counter and pulled me out the door. "MY RING..." I said he put me in the car and I didn't speak to him at all. "baeeee."he said. i looked and smiled and frowned. "baeeeeee." he said. what df do he want he see ion wanna talk to him. "Jada Tamia Maraj...i know your thick ass here me." he said. I looked at him and mugged him. "fine I'll talk to the baby...hey lil man tell ya momma if she don't get over that attitude she got she won't get nothing to eat." he said. "if ion eat it won't be no baby dumb ass and who said it was a boy." I snapped I really wanted my ring like you can't do that to Jada. we arrived at the restaurant it it literally said the new restaurant like...what if that shit old and it be like the same name it ain't new no mo like df?. He got me out the car and we went to our table it was all fancy and shit...so ya know I'm extra I walk in there like I'm so fancy you already know I'm in the fast lane from la to Tokyo. "Hello my name is Shanté and I'll be you waiter today would you like to try our soup of the day clam chowder..." she said. "shit..."she mumbled. "I'm sorry it's tomato soup." she said. she look like she was about to cry. but she keep she smile on her face. "umm will take the lobster...thanks sweety." I smiled and she looked like she almost died. "OMG YOUR JADA YOUR NICKI 'S DAUGHTER." she was all smiley and shit...."shhhh I'll give you a extra tip if you say nothing to no one...." I said and she zipped her lips and backed away. "your mean when your pregnant."he said. "yea and if ya don't shut up imma be a crazy bitch." I said hitting that roman face. "well can I ask you something." he said. "What..."i said. He got down on one knee and got out a black box and smiled. I stared to cry..with tears of joy. "I don't wanna bring a baby in this world with out us being married...so with this ring...will you be my wife." he said. "by then I thought I couldn't breath. "yes...yes miah I will marry you." I said. "wait is it for this rock or is it for ya love me." He said. and he put the ring on my finger. "both." I smiled and showed my dimples. "figures." he said. "OH AND WHO EVER MADE THIS RESTAURANT YOUR FOOD IS GOOD BUT...THAT NAME GOTTA GO..." I said...im crazy y'all know that...
My phone stared buzzing. "I gotta take this miah." I said
??-help Jada... It's Keira
Me-what do ya want
Ki-it's my dad he...killed my momma..
Me-and this involves me cause....
Ki-cause he's coming for nicki and bey....
Me-omg Kiera Tanya fenty....do ya know that I can't...omg...kii can you try to stop him or call the police.
Ki-no he...he will rape me.
Me-ki fuck you mean ya wanna be all tough and shit but ya scared of ya damn dad.
Ki-Jada it's not like that.
Me-it's not that easy but I guess I'll come I'm on my way.
I grabbed miah and told him everything and speed all the way to my house. we ran a couple red lights but It was worth it. by the time we got there the door was already busted in. I took off my heels and pulled out my pink gun my momma gave me. I walked in the house miah was right in front of me guarding me. "STOP IT CHRIS I DONT KNOW WHAT...AHHHH" I heard from upstairs I gave him my gun and he followed me. I snuck up on him and punched the shit out of him and he fell to the ground. he got up and tackled me. I was literally in the dress and beating the shit out this niggga nicki helped and bey called the cops but he pouched nicki in the eye and she passed out and he was holding me down so I couldn't move. "trying to save ya mommas life and gonna get you no where lil mama." he said. "get the fuck off me..." I said between my teeth. he punched me in the face I screamed. "MIAHHH." he came and shot him and he landed on me. "bae you ok." He said picking me up. "Yea...but maybe not this baby...." I coughed up a little blood and he took me and my mom to the hospital instantly.
No....words for thisssssssssss shitttttttttttttttttt...........😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶~Jada Tamia Maraj😲😵😶😷😩

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