Ch.25: Help Has -NOT- Arrived (*w*)b

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(Check It Out by: Oh The Larceny)

Quick Grayson POV

El Diablo stabbed Y/N in the stomach and rage boiled within me. I went wild but I couldn't get to her because more stupid guards got in my way.

"No one keeps me away from my sister!" I growled

I tried to as quickly as possible get through the goons an guards but they just kept coming and coming- there was no end to them in sight, she's a goner.

I refused to lose her next and just dodged them to get to her.

'Not Y/N! Anything but her..!'


Diablo pushed me off him and took the blade he used out of me. I felt the blood come up my throat but I held it back and just swallowed it.

El Diablo snickered and sneered at me as I was defenseless.

"Look at you, so vulnerable and weak!" He sneered," Just like your mother."

I glared at him but everything started hurting. He took out a pistol and shot my shoulder so as a reaction I yelped, my body jolted due to the pain and blow.

"Ya know, you are your whole family but combined into one. Except you were nothing like your mother." He said," Sweet...defenseless...Weak!"

"Shut up!" I hissed through the pain," Don't talk about..her like...that!"

I struggled to speak and he then kicked me in my hip. I coughed out the blood that wanted to come out and he continued to kicked me.

"During the fire, when you killed my father and set the city on fire during his death I decided to kill you even if it killed me." He hissed then smirked," But the moment I got on the roof you were unconscious, and your mother was frantically trying to wake you up. It was almost perfect that it was also a trade."

I growled a bit and he then put his hand around my neck and squeezed.

"My fathers life, for your mothers." He said darkly," Even trade for me, so I grabbed your knife and still wanted to kill you but she jumped in the way and I stabbed her right in the chest. With whatever life she had left she pushed me back and grabbed you, throwing both of you off the roof and into the flames."

Tears filled my eyes and I wanted to so badly kill him.

"I thought you were dead, but you survived due to your mother protecting you." He said disappointed," Grayson took you and tried to run home but you weren't keeping up cause you thought you killed your mom, then went to jail! HAhaha!"

He started laughing straight to my face and I tried to pull his hand off my neck. I kneed him in the place the sun don't shine in and he let me go. I was losing a lot of blood and I felt light headed to it.

'Mom I'm so sorry....I was supposed to protect you...I'm sorry...'

"Y/N!" Liam yelled," GET UP!"

I got on my stomach and tried to crawl somewhere safe. A foot then stomped on my spine and I coughed out more blood.

"Y/N YOU PROMISED!" Liam yelled," GET UP! FIGHT!.....You promised..."

'I did promise....god how hard it is to keep those...'

I then felt a spike of adrenaline in me. All my rage, all my emotions that I've held back...all the murderous intent I held in, was coming out today and now.

I got up, the foot on me struggling to keep me down.

"HEY LIAM!" I shouted and looked at him

He was looking at me with a tear stained face, his mask on top of his head, as lui protected him.

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