Ch.20: Its Not Over

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(Take over by: Hidden Citizens x Ruelle: Lol I'm very tempted to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, I'm sorry!)

After they finished getting whatever they wanted to spend the next couple of nights with me, we got in a van. Smitty was driving, kryoz called shotgun and I was in back.

"So how did you like being a warrant?" Smitty asked

"Classified information, my dude!" I said," ya kinda have to be there to know anyways."

"Yeah, figures." Smitty said," But you're now dragged back into fighting."

"Because something always brings me back because-"

"Its deals with some sort of bullshit!" Smitty, me and kryoz said in unison

I laughed cause we still predict and finish each other's sentences! I missed that...

'Maybe Im just meant for the gang life? I mean I have armies an armies of gangs who would back me up or ally me and I have the fam? But I can't go back cause of all the horror I'm capable of...'

Someone snapped their fingers a few times and I was snapped out of my thoughts. It was kryoz and he gave me a smile.

"Since we'll be with you for the next couple of days, why don't we have some fun!" He said

"Hell yeah!" Smitty cheered

I looked at smitty an kryoz an they just cheered and seemed happy.

I smiled and looked out the window.


One of the wheels suddenly popped and we started swerving. Smitty tried to take control again and stop the van as we held on tight. The other tires started going out, just one by one.

Like popcorn in a microwave, just POP POP POP! Smitty was able to stop safely though and I looked out the front window to see we were in the middle of a four way road.

I got up and looked around the van. I found a glock 19 and checked if it was loaded. It was but then the door back here with us opened. I quickly turned around and started shooting.

El Diablos goons. I had no mercy, they can go to hell! I at least shot them in places where they had enough time to bleed out an get help.

Once no one was at the doors I looked at smitty. He ducked and I shot out the window and got someone.

"Kryoz six and my seven!" Smitty said

"On it!" I replied

I shot the walls of the van, the bullets going through making holes for me to shoot through. I shot some guys there and then tossed smitty the pistol.

He caught it and started shooting as I looked for more weapons.

"Bloody here!" Kryoz said

He tossed me a sheathed knife and then a AK-47. I caught both and put the sheathed knife on the back of my bra. I looked at how much ammo the AK had and made count of how wisely to use it.

I had about 100, maybe 30? But even so I tossed it to kryoz.

"We were in a gang before, and you two still are now!" I said," But besides that, congrats we're now temporarily in The Misfits gang again."

Smitty an kryoz cheered.

"The gangs getting back together!" They cheered

We were being shot at with what sounded like a machine gun. I ducked to the ground and smitty an kryoz jumped to the left and got out.

The Prison DifferenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon