Ch.22: The Struggle

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(Hard To Kill by: Beth Crowley)

A Month Later...


It's been a month and El Diablo has kept me locked in a fancy room, no windows and just one door that leads out. I was sitting on the bed though, figuring out a plan to try an get out of here or kill El Diablo.

Sure the room was great and had no visible escapes, but thats the key. There is one escape behind the bed. Behind the bed is a huge vent, the air conditioning really.

But the problem is that the guards can hear me through the door, so last night while they were asleep or dozing off I had moved a bunch of stuff in front of the door.

I got off the bed and started to pushed the bed out of the way, making a lot of noise. I quickly grabbed a vase and smashed it as the door knob wiggled and tried to open.

I grabbed a piece of the vase and used it to unscrew the screws on the vents corners.

"Get some of the others, we're breaking the door down!" A guard said

I finished unscrewing the screws and pulled the vent open. I tossed it across the room and grabbed a few sharp parts of the broken vase. I started to quickly crawl into the vent as they tried to now open the door.

I made it far into the vent and heard the door and things in front of it fall and break. I made a bunch of turns in the vents and looked through some openings to look for an exit.

My arm is completely healed by the way and my eye is too, but I had a bit of trouble seeing through it from time to time.

Anyways I heard some guys in the vent close by and I started to crawl faster to escape. I then fell through a vent that was under me and hit the ground hard.

"Son of a bitch!" I complained

I picked myself up and looked around to see I was in an empty hallway. I got on my feet but it was a miracle the vase pieces didn't stab me.

I started running forward but about 30 guys came in front of me and saw me. I stopped myself and ran the other way as they started to aimlessly shoot at me.

I then stopped as El Diablo came out in my way with another probably 20 guys behind him. I was surrounded and there were no windows or vents, nothing for me to escape.

"Ugh! God dammit!" I complained

"Tsk tsk tsk!" He mocked," I have to hand it to you, that was clever! But then it was just dumb once you fell."

I growled at him and then some guys cleared the way and brought in delirious and lui. They were both tied up but once I saw them I glared at El Diablo.

"You son of a-"

"Ah ah ah~!" He said in a singy song voice, mocking me as he put a knife to delirious neck.

A goon did the same to lui and I stood down. I clenched my hands into fists and growled as he smirked.

"Does The Child of Death actually care about these annoying bbs boys?" He mocked

I glared at him menacingly and wanted to kill him. I cared about their safety sure, but they at least have people who need them. People who need me always die or get killed.

"I'm gonna personally tear your bones out of your body and then take your other eye as a trophy once you stop cowering behind your goons!" I growled

He glared at me and then motioned his head to get me. Someone grabbed me and I grabbed their wrist and flipped them over me and then twisted their arm, breaking it.

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