Ch.6: Now She Knows

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(Breakeven by: The Script)

"You guys alright?" I asked

"Yeah we just made a pick up time thats all, sorry." Ohm said

"Oh alright!" I replied

"When do we pick you up baby!" Luke asked

"I'm gonna leave work at eight today so pick me up at nine I guess." I replied

"Alright, see ya later!" Ohm chuckled

"Bye cutie!" Luke teased

"Bye guys." I giggled

I hung up after and put my phone in my pocket. I left and saw everyone taking axes outside to the courtyard. I went with them and a few were already cutting wood.

Its another form of exercise that I thought was a good idea. They like it cause they get to cut stuff, and break things with an axe. Technically a win win.

"Yo mama, look! Moo man said he would cut the stump in half to beat your record!" Tyron said

That gained my attention. I looked at them and saw moo there with an axe and one of our oldest, toughest stumps. I smirked and went to them.

"Ooh~! Me likey~!" I cooed

"Mama broke one of these in three swings! Lets see if you can do better!" Carl said

Moo nodded and got ready. He started and was already half way with it.

'Oh shit, he's strong!'

He took another swing and it almost broke in half. He took another and it broke. My smirk widened and my eyes sparkled.

"You were close to making it two swings!" I said excited," we have to arm wrestle!! C'mon!"

I grabbed his wrist and the others set up a small table outside. We stood on opposite ends and our hands connected. We leaned forward and got ready.

"I love a challenge just so you know." I said a little cocky

"I like cocky and strong girls." He smirked

I smirked back and terry stood beside us.

"Alright we start in!" He counted down

We started as soon as he said one. I didn't really try but then I decided to try since he almost beat my record. So I put in a little more force. He was able to hold his own, and I actually had a drop of sweat slid down my face.

I used half my strength and he lost. I smiled and our hands let go.

"You're good and pretty strong!" I complimented," I like that and it also earned my respect!"

He smiled brightly and I did my signature move of my respect. I gave him a thumbs up an winked a little.

"Oooh! She respects you for real dog!" Tyron said," don't do nothin' to lose it!"

He seemed frozen and I chuckled.

"Alright, now that, that is done lets cut wood for tomorrow's bond fire!!" I cheered

They others started to head off and I looked at moo who was still staring at me.

"C'mon tough guy!" I teased and softly punched his stomach

He blushed and I decided to mess with him a little. I winked at him and then shoved him over to the others.

"Now go have FUN!" I cheered

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