chapter 51

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The next day

I drove to my aunt's house, Jake offered to come along but I refused and assured him that I'll be fine. The roads didn't seem to have changed much.

I got to the house and suddenly felt a knot in my stomach it's been so long and the house was getting very old, seeing it now brought back some many memories. It's the house I was raised in before my parents were murdered and my aunt and uncle moved in to supposedly look after me.

I wanted to turn back and run without looking back, but I knew it was far too late to give up and turn back, so I summoned up courage and walked up the little steps leading to the door and ran the bell.

She didn't answer at first so I rang again.

''Coming'' a hoarse voice replied. After about five minutes she opened the door and I thought her eyes would fall off their sockets.

''T-Trisa?'' she asked quite certain she's seeing a ghost.

''Yes aunt, how are you?'' I asked.

''I'm fine now that you're here'' she said leading me inside.

''It hasn't changed a bit, has it?'' she asked to which I nodded in response.

''I didn't have enough money to redecorate the place''

''Really? Because I thought you'd have more than enough from the money you extorted from Ethan'' I answered coldly.

She had her head down in shame as silent tears fell down her face. I immediately regretted my outburst although it was the truth, I won't ever forget what she did to me.

''You sold me to him remember? You came for the wedding, you enjoyed the lavish reception he arranged, while I suffered in silence. You collected money from him every month until he found out that I wasn't the right girl. Did you ever stop to think what he'll do to me when he found out and what he actually did? I warned you, begged you but you slapped and mocked me. HE ABUSED ME AUNT! HE RAPED ME, HIT ME, TORTURED ME, BOUGHT DAD'S COMPANY AND TORE IT DOWN, BROUGHT NANCY TO JOIN IN ABUSING ME, KIDNAPPED ME AND MY SON AUNT! DO YOU KNOW I WENT THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOU? I WENT THROUGH HELL.

''I'M SORRY, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, how many more times do you want me to say it?''

''Why do you hate me soo much aunt? What did I do to deserve so much hatred from you?''

''I don't hate you Trisa'' she replied looking me

"Then why the hell did you make me go through all I went through and can't even mean the stupid sorry you're saying now?'' I demanded.

''I do mean it, I'm just frustrated I really needed the money. I needed it badly and you were already doing all you could to provide for this family''

''Since you knew that then why sell me of and what did you need the money for? You're own personal gain I'm certain''

''NO! I needed the money because your uncle was suffering from arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis Trisa, I'm so sorry I became desperate we had no money for treatment. That's why I sold you out because I had no other option, no one to turn to for help and now he's gone, everything I went through and all my efforts gone and put to waste. I also suffered, I never could forgive myself for doing that to you, I had no idea he abused you. I thought it was a win win, you getting married to a good and rich man that would take good care of you and our family and me getting the money for the treatment.

I thought your pleas and warnings on the day of the wedding were just excuses because you weren't ready for marriage especially to a man you didn't love. I consoled myself thinking you'd fall for each other later on and perhaps when he finds out he married the wrong girl, he wouldn't care as he would love you far too much to care. I thought so many things but I was all too wrong and I know my sister would be so disappointed and probably hate me now. I'm just.. so sorry'' she lamented frustrated.

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