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Hey readers it's me with another book, this one is very precious to me. I know most of you wont see but I do hope you'll read this book and be blessed. I decided to write some lessons of the bible that I leant through God's amazing grace.

Ever since I decided to get close to God this year, he's been helping me and I know you've probably been hearing this many times from different people but if you saw this message and you've been hearing this again and again, just know that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ loves you with all his might and wants nothing more than to see you in heaven with him.

No one can love you the way he does, not even your parents, they love you don't get me wrong but they don't love you as much as the God who created the word LOVE.

Welcome to my little book.

This book is written to guide you and help me improve myself on the spiritual aspects of my life. I will write as the Holy Spirit guides me. I do not promise to upload a chapter everyday as I may not have access to any gadget but I do promise to write to you the truth.

I decided to write this book now and I've wanted to write for a long time now because I feel what makes me happy is sharing what I've learnt with people.

There are times in my life when I feel like I could burst with happiness, I feel so happy and I want to share God's word, not caring about what anyone says but other times I reminded of my many sins and I feel discouraged and I want to break through that discouragement, to remind myself how the girl that used to sin is gone ever since I was washed and made clean by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I know many of us feel that way, many of us don't want to talk to others about God so we don't look uncool in front of our friends, or because we feel shy. Don't be because Jesus says in Matthew 10:32 "Therefore whoever confesses me before men, him I will also confess before my father who is in heaven''.

This means we should not be ashamed of preaching about God to people because you could save lives, no one is too young to talk about God. How would you feel if you were saved and your best friend isn't saved, you watch him or her die slowly, living a life of a sinner, drinking partying day and night yet secretly dying of depression. What happens when that friend finally dies will he or she make heaven?

The truth is no even Jesus said so in John 3:3, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." So you've lost that person for life.

Nothing is more painful that watching someone you love die without being saved because in order to move on from the loss of a loved one some people tell themselves that the person is in heaven and they would meet again after a long time, but have you ever wondered what would happen if you can't tell yourself that.

It's sad isn't it? It's heartbreaking because you'll know that if you had spoken to that person, then their soul could have been saved. Well instead of living with guilt for the rest of your life, talk to someone, tell them about Jesus and when you've done that and the person refuses to listen pray for that person and then you'll know you did your best.

God created us with a mindset of our own so we can either choose to be good, be born again and be redeemed or to be an instrument of the Devil. I hear of people who've sold their souls for fame and I shake my head. What good is a man who gains the whole world and still loses everything in the end, his soul. When hear how people love money I ask myself are they going to be buried with their money because I don't understand why people kill for money or sell their souls for money.

People sell their souls to the devil for different things but listen carefully don't ever make that mistake. I've heard of musicians who've sold their souls, actors/actresses who've sold their souls and I know you know some too. Some of you listen to them you think they're cool with their fancy cars, their mansions and their first class ticket to hell. It good to have money don't get me wrong. Money is very useful but the love of money is the root of all evils. Have money, earn your money in a good way and be alive to spend it and enjoy your hard earned money, don't look for shortcuts to earning quick money and in exchange for something more valuable.

I heard a story of two men, they were very poor and things were so tough for them so they decided to visit a seer.

These two men went to the seer and were well aware of the demands and deceitful nature of these con-artists. They requested for a quick way to earn money that doesn't involve spilling blood. The seer told them that there was another way but that it would only work if they were already destined to be rich.

He checked their destinies and saw that they were indeed destined to be rich and gave them some items to put in their house and then at twelve midnight they were to wake up and make some rituals and that if they forgot, there would be consequences.

These two men went back to their homes and fell asleep now the first man forgot to wake up and overslept. When he remembered and woke up, felt very scared and told his wife everything, they decided to pray together, he then called his mom and told her too and she in turn prayed for him.

Meanwhile the second man remembered and performed the rituals. He started making money. The first man repented, while the second man laughed at him for being a coward.

Things started working out for the first man later and God answered all his prayers and he made enough money to relocate to another country, he got a good job and started earning a lot of money and he was very happy.

The second man started to lose his money as the charm he had started making demands he couldn't fulfil. He started having nightmares, spiritual and physical attacks and started to regret his decision. He wished he could turn back time and make the right decision but he unfortunately couldn't, we were never told if he later gave his life to Christ or if he died the story just ended there.

Most people aren't as lucky as the first man who put his hand in something dangerous and was still able to escape, they are more people like the second man who thought they could get easy money with no consequences. This story teaches on patience and is based on a true life story, please always be patient as your time would come, never give up, keep hoping and praying to God, don't leave him as times get rough because he'll never leave you, he loves you and wants to make you happy to give you paradise on earth as well heaven he so promised us, so let him and don't just be with God only in good times.

When people marry, they marry for better or for worse, the bible refers to God as our spiritual husband who we supposed to be with for better or for worse so don't give up continue praying and God bless and reward you as you do so in Jesus name Amen.

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