chapter 24

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So today's the day of the surprise. I'm so excited.
I have no clue what it is but I dressed to impress. I also plan to stop by at Lina's new apartment in New York. She found another job as a waitress, it was a low paying job but she took it her words were ''at least her boss wasn't a son of a bitch''.

Jake came over to my place to pick me up. I woke up so early and I barely slept through out the night. I was so curious and yet so excited at the same time.

Jake said we'll be staying at a hotel for a few days. I asked why but he said it was a part of the surprise now I'm dying of curiosity. I packed some extra clothing.

He showed up at exactly 9:00am. We drove to a plane hanger.

"Aren't we driving to the airport. I already packed all my papers and visa?" I asked confused.

He smirked as we drove into the plane hanger. We got down with him leading the way, till my eyes caught hold of a very beautiful, massive private jet.

"No way!!" I exclaimed, walking towards it to examine it to be sure I wasn't dreaming.

It was really there it even had the name Presley airlines.
I was beyond amazed.

"You like it" he asked finally with a bemused expression on his face.

"Like it... I love it, it's beautiful" I whispered.

"Why thank you" he replied leading me inside.

''Is this yours'' I asked surprised.

''Yeah'' he replied wrigglings his brows and smirking.

I thought the outside was beautiful but the inside is impeccable. It had a beautiful fragrance unlike the public planes, it wasn't cramped up, in fact it had a reasonable amount of space and it can still hold a maximum of twenty people.

I took a seat still bewildered, Jake sat grinning he felt pleased and proud that I liked his jet.

"This was my exact well..... not exactly exact but almost the same expression I had when I first saw it. It's a beauty. I'm really glad you like it, I usually take it when I have to travel for business meetings or dealings" he said.

The airplanes hostess came to take my order. I simply ordered for a grape juice. I wasn't hungry much too bewildered to eat but I felt it'll be rude not to take anything so I simply ordered that.
I haven't actually had breakfast but like I said  I was much to overwhelmed to eat anything right now.

I mean I know Jake's rich but I didn't know he was filthy, crazy rich. Wow a private jet, I'd only see those in movies, I never knew someone very close to me even had one it was absolutely wow.

The plane took off shortly and after a while of just looking outside the window taking in the beautiful view, I'd started to appreciate nature much more than I ever did and I know Jake must have asked the pilot to fly a little low for a while just so I can see and take in the view.

''It's beautiful isn't it?'' I asked pointing out the window.

''Yes it is'' he said looking at me and I blushed a deep shade of red to which he chuckled and kissed my cheek. When we got a little above the clouds I finally slept off on Jake's shoulder. I felt his hand circle round my waist bringing me closer to him while using his other hand to brush away my hair from my face and I smiled.

I knew she was going to be surprised but I wasn't expecting this surprised.
She's just so cute with her mouth wide open as she looked at my jet in awe.

I was pleased that she liked it.

As she rested her head on my shoulder. I put my hand round her waist puller her closer. I also pushed back her chair and mine so she can relax.

I brushed away the hair the fell on her beautiful face. I stayed that way admiring her immerse beauty before dozing off too.

I woke up shortly before the pilot announced the landing of the plane.

"Trisa" I whispered tapping her gently.

She stretched "are we there yet" she asked yawning.

"Yeah we are" I replied and she squealed like an excited little girl. She's so just so cute.

We got out of the air plane.
I had already hired a car to take us to the place where the surprise was.

We drove to the place and I would never forget the way her eyes shone so bright and the wide smile that lit her facial features.

I watched as tears of joy made their way down her face as she put a palm over her mouth in awe before jumping into my arms.

"Thank you, thank you so much" she said in a cracking voice.

I smiled holding her tight, I knew how much this meant to her which is why I took my time to redesign the place, making it much more beautiful than it ever was and I had a little help too.

I'd asked her random questions like her favorite color, showing her random designs but never giving anything away and it was worth it, I'll do it over and over again just to put a smile on her lovely face.

So what do you guys think is Jake amazing or what. I'm writing this but I'm sad and single😫😫😂😂😂 let me know if you liked this chapter dont forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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