chapter 7

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The next day I went out to buy some groceries for Lina's aunt. I drove Lina's aunt's old car to the nearby grocery store. I wore a face cap with shades, I'm just being extra careful because I don't want Ethan to find me. I can't go back.

I went in and was searching for where the baking items were and I mistakenly bumped into this really cute guy and everything in my shopping basket fell out.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled embarrassed and quickly picked up the items, thankfully they were few.

''I'm sorry too, let me help you with that'' he said politely as he bent to pick up the remaining items, I made to stop him and my shades fell off.
"Trisa" he called after me. I turned round terrified that he might be working for Ethan, but just in case he wasn't I turned back around.

"Excuse me but how do you know my name" I asked surprised.
I saw the hurt in his eyes. Do I know him from somewhere?

"You don't remember me do you" he asked with a sad smile.

"No I'm sorry I do not" but he kind of looked familiar.

"Jake Presley" he said and my eye balls almost popped out.
He was a friend from high school. He looked so different, cuter than in high school, he used to be part of the all rounders /playboys but I'm not sure if he was a play boy or he was just friends with them.

"I'm sorry I guess I didn't recognize you at first" I apologized.

"No problem I guess I have changed a lot since high school" he said as he shot me a wink.
I smiled he had, he's much more handsome but unfortunately I'm not interested in him at least not while I'm still married to Ethan.

Although I'd find a way to break up my marriage with Ethan. I'll find the courage I need and hire a lawyer but till then I won't be seeing or dating any guy, especially not this one that had a crush on me in high school. He didn't tell me but you'd know if a guy likes you besides he was making it very obvious. I might have liked him back then but it was only a crush which lasted a few months and it left after he left as he was a year higher than I. We might have been in a relationship if he had just told me and if I wasn't so serious with my studies.

I pretended to yawn just to stylishly show off my wedding ring.

"Oh you're married" he said giving me a fake smile.
"Yes I am how did you know" I asked as though I didn't know how he found out.

He pointed to my wedding ring
"So who's the lucky guy" he said and I blushed. Although I didn't have a crush on him anymore, he still knew how to make me feel special, these playboys always knowing what to say that'll make any girl swoon and saying it at the right time. My heart started beating faster as were only two inches apart and I only just noticed. I stepped back feeling awkward and wondering if I still have a little crush on him but I doubt it, it's been six years, maybe I was just excited to see him again although I won't show it or feeling uncomfortable as I was still legally married to Ethan.

"Listen Jake it was nice to meet you after so long but I have to get going now, I'm in a hurry" I said.

"OK but before you go can you know grab a cup of coffee on Saturday" he asked his tone slightly pleading.

"Sounds good" we exchanged numbers and then I picked up the remaining things on the list Lina's aunt wrote for me, went to pay at the counter before leaving the store with the things I bought.

I drove the car back to Lina's aunt's house.

"What's up, you look different'' Lina asked as soon as I stepped into the house.

"How, exactly'' I replied turning away

''Your cheeks are crimson and you look flustered'' she replied examining me like you'd do to a science project.

I kept quiet and my cheeks turning a darker shade of red, which Lina noticed instantly ''I knew it, so what's his name''

I laughed to tell her about Jake, not leaving out a single detail like she said and she started to squeal like a teenager.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but nothing's going to happen between us he's just a friend and Saturday's going to be like a hangout between two very good friends" I said.

She rolled her eyes "Don't tell your still acting like a married woman. Come on Trisa give yourself a chance I mean it's not like you love Ethan or something, don't miss out on a great opportunity in your life you might never get a chance like this".

"I mean look at me I'm twenty four and I'm still single if I had an opportunity like this is I'd seize it. Trisa just because you're married doesn't mean you can't go out with guys.

I gave her a what the hell are you talking about look.

"I'm sorry I suck in all this pep talk I know and sorry I take back that statement, it sounded so much better in my head what I'm trying to say is it's only a matter of time before you gather up courage and fill for a divorce after that divorce Ethan would have Nancy who would you have?" She asked.

I let the words sink in before replying "I'd have you Lina'' wriggling my eyebrows.
"Oh hell no you won't, Lina's going to find herself a boyfriend so you'll just die single with your hundred cats" she said referring to herself in the third person.

I laughed
"But I'm serious Trisa if Jake really likes you give him a chance. You can regret later if he does anything and don't worry I'll make sure to kill him for you in the most painful way I know if he does" she said and I hugged her.

"Thanks and I mean thank you for everything" I said.

''It's okay sweetie, you deserve so much better, but you'll just have to make do with what you have now'' she said teasingly.

''I have more than enough Lina, I have a good friend and I'm starting my life over and forgetting my past no matter how horrible, I won't let it weigh me down''

''That's my girl, you know you're stronger than you think'' she replied smiling.

I slept that night thinking about Jake and kept replaying the whole bumping into each other experience in my mind. My thoughts then came back to those five words Lina said to me. ''You're stronger than you think'' am I really.

Uhhhh, Jake and Trisa I'm sorry couldn't find a name to ship them together, I can already see a wonderful romance soon to happen between these two, why wouldn't I when I'm the writer. I'm happy things are going well for Trisa she deserves it. If you liked this chapter prove it by voting, liking, sharing, following, commenting but most importantly enjoying. Love you readers, I mean it and thanks for reading.

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