chapter 37

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"She was found naked with belt marks and bruises all over her body and a bullet between her eyes''. Chris explained as soon as I entered the station.

''She was an inconsiderate, jealous bitch that was evil to the core but she didn't deserve this horrible death, have you found out the perpetrator?'' I asked.

''No we haven't but that why we called, do you have any idea who could have done this?''

"No it's quite impossible to say cause she has a long list of people she's hurt, used or destroyed so I have no idea''.

''Do you think Jake may have....''

''I don't know him anymore so I can't say why don't you call him yourself he might tell you if he tortued and killed her'' I said shrugging, but deep down I knew Jake only made a mistake and would never kill anyone so brutally, ever but I played the aggriviated wife. He hurt me and I wanted him to know that, I thought he trusted me and built a solid foundation of trust, love and respect during this past three years of marriage, but I guess I was wrong.

''She was also raped, pratically torn in two I suspect a gang rape but we're still waiting for test results from the coroner'' he explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came in, handing him some files.

''Thank you Chesley, we were just talking about you, Trisa these are the results'' he said opening it.

''My instincts were right four different semens were found in her private part. I'll ask the coroner to collect samples so we can test suspects and find out the rapists and killers. We also suspect that one of the rapists might also be the kidnapper, that's why I've decided to go deep into this investigation''.

''Thank you so much Chris'' I said distraught though I couldn't cry, call me mean but Nancy's death was somewhat good riddance to me. I forgave her again and again and she was merely just focused on one things, almost like that was her only goal in life, to destroy me.

I was about to go when I stopped and asked ''Chris how do you know it was a man who kidnapped Luke'' I was just being inquisitive not that I suspected him or anything like that.

''Judging from the shoe size we found at the playground at that swing section close to where we found Tania, luckily for us no one stepped foot after then and we looked at every little detail.

I nodded satisfied with the answer. I went back home.

I still can't believe Jake kept something like that from me, if he kept that from me and paid Nancy to keep quiet, that means he knew she was faking all this while and also hid that from me. I wonder what else he's hiding from me and after yesterday I don't think I'll be able to trust him for a very long time.

Days past still no news or word from the kidnapper, anxiety was killing me. I stayed in the guest room with Luke's picture in hand. we had gone to a party and he was playing in the pool, he looked so cute I just had to take his picture, I miss him so much, I just hope my baby's okay.

I hugged the picture to my chest sobbing softly, I can't do anything to save him. I hope it's not too late when we find him, he's all I have left. 

My phone rang it's Chris again I picked the call "We've found a match to one of the semens come down to the station immediately'' he said urgently before cutting the call.

I was about to go out the door when I got another call from an unknown number.

''Hello who's this?'' I asked.

''Trisa it's nice to hear your voice again, your son really misses you right Luke'' he put the speaker of the phone on and i could hear Luke crying.

On hearing that voice my eye balls nearly fell out of their sockets, I knew who he was....

''Luke don't cry mommy's here, I won't let anything happen to you I love you'' I said softly and desperately, as his crying broke me out of my thoughts.

''Mommy I'm scared'' he said sniffing. My heart squeezed.

''Shut up, you brat'' the kidnapper said causing Luke to start wailing again.

''My precious Luke, please don't dry, I swear on my life that nothing would happen to you'' I said to him, then turned my attention to the kidnapper.

''What are you doing to my son and what do you want?'' I asked sharply.

''Watch your tone, you can't see me but I have a gun to your son's head now and if you even dream of contacting the cops or investigators. I'll kill your son and send his little body to you in pieces and in a box and I'll go so far away that the cops won't know where to find me and you'll live with that mistake for the rest of your life. Just do exactly what I say and nothing would happen to your precious son''.

"Where are you?''

''I'll send you the address''

Still no guesses cause I'm going to reveal who it is in the next chapter the reader that guesses and gets it right will earn a permanent follow, vote on all chapters of your book and I'll recommend the next chapter to you. It's open till tomorrow. Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment.

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