Tharn nodded. "Deal." He pressed his lips to Type's for a quick kiss before pulling him to the bed. 

They got under the covers together and didn't hesitate to wrap their arms around one another. Type felt safe with Tharn's arms around him, holding him tightly and warming him.

Tharn shut off the light and was quick to close his eyes before falling asleep. It wasn't long before Type felt Tharn's heartbeat slow and his breathing even out. He closed his eyes and tried to drift off as well


A few hours later, the time on Type's phone read 2;30 a.m. He had yet to fall asleep and had opted for looking up at the ceiling or looking out the window and counting the stars that he could see.

He was tired, he could feel it. He wanted sleep. He needed it. His eyes could barely stay open, but as soon as he closed them, a million thoughts ran through his head.

He trusted Tharn. There was no reason he shouldn't. Tharn had been nothing but honest with him throughout the entire time they've known one another. Still, though, Type couldn't seem to forget about how Tharn acted about the necklace and how he acted toward San. 

He kept thinking about the letter engraved on the back of the necklace either. S? S as in San? Was San the one who had given him the necklace. Had he lied about never haven been in a relationship before? 

Type let out a sigh and wiggled out of Tharn's grasp, getting out of the bed and slipping on a pair of basketball shorts. He quietly headed down to the kitchen, careful not to wake anyone sleeping.

He flicked on the kitchen light and got the scare of his life when Tharn's mother was sitting at the table, sipping on a cup of hot tea.

She couldn't hold in her chuckle as she asked if he was alright. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

"Wouldn't have been possible, seeing as how I haven't been to sleep yet." He gave her a small smile as he sat across from her at the dining room table. "Why are you sitting here with the light off?"

"To scare people if they happen to need a drink in the middle of the night." She chuckled softly. "I've gotten everyone at least once. It'll feel nice to add you to the list." She patted his hands. "Why haven't you been to sleep?"

Type shrugged. "To many thoughts." He admitted. 

"Well," Tharn's mother shrugged. "It might not be much help, but I can make you a cup of tea and listen as you get it all out."

Type nodded with a smile. "That would be really nice. Thank you." 

She quickly finished and set the steaming cup in front of him, taking her seat again. "So, what's bothering you?"

Type sighed and wrapped his hands around the cup. He shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I love your son and trust him with everything I have. He's been nothing but amazing to me." He couldn't help but smile at the thought. "It's just, earlier, I was looking at this necklace of Tharn's. It had this small little guitar pendant with an S carved on the back. When he seen me looking at it, he almost got all panicky and immediately took it saying he was going to throw it away."

Tharn's mother nodded. "I'm guessing you want to know if it's from San."

Type reluctantly nodded.

"Well, it's not exactly my story to tell, but it would be wrong to leave you in this state. It is indeed from San, but there was nothing ever between them." She reached forward and took Type's hands in hers. "I promise." 

"Did something happen between them to make Tharn react like that?"

"San and Thorn became friends when Tharn was thirteen. They are only a few years older, so they were both seventeen at the time. San was a good kid, at first. He was nice. He was smart. He started hanging out a little too much with Tharn, though. At first everyone thought it was because he was Thorn's little brother. Tharn came to me one night, telling me that San tried to kiss him and probably do more. Tharn was fourteen at the time and San was almost eighteen. I was pissed to the max. Throughout the years, San kept trying to make his move on Tharn. He gave Tharn the necklace as a gift, in hopes to win him over. I think, for a little while, Tharn actually considered it. In the end, though, Tharn rejected him and San didn't take it well. He started doing things to make Tharn angry. He was sleeping around and rubbing it in Tharn's face." She had to pause, remembering the things he put her child through. "Tharn was a teenage boy, who hadn't even gotten that attention from someone who liked him. San made Tharn believe he loved him and then took it all away. I think that's the real reason he never dated anyone.

"I'm happy he's found you." She said, nodding with a smile. "You are not what I expected, but I wouldn't want to see him with anyone else. I hope you won't let San get between the two of you. Tharn really does love you. I can see it in his eyes. And San means nothing to him."

Type looked down at his hands. Though the story hurt, he couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard the story. Tharn hadn't lied to him. He had just done the same thing Type did at the beginning of their relationship.

He didn't know why Tharn kept it to himself, but he knew now that putting all of his trust in Tharn was the right decision. 

"Thank you, for telling me." 

"You're welcome. But like I said, it wasn't my story to tell. Tharn might get angry if he finds out I'm the one who told you." 

Type pretended to zip his mouth shut, gaining a smile from her. 

"Well, I'm off to bed. Finish the cup of tea and then head back to bed. It should help you sleep like a baby." She gave him a small kiss on the cheek before leaving him alone in the kitchen. 

Type quickly drank the tea, not feeling wasteful, but also feeling the need to get back to his boyfriend's side. 

After he was done, he quickly cleaned up and rushed up the stairs, as quiet as could be.

Tharn was still sleeping soundly on his side of the bed.

Type removed his shorts and shirt this time, climbing in next to him. 

Tharn stirred a bit, waking up and barely opening his eyes. "Where have you been?"

"Getting a drink." Type placed a quick kiss on Tharn's lips and gave him a smile. "Go back to sleep."

Tharn wrapped his arms around Type and held him close, determined to not let him go again.

"I love you, Tharn." 

Tharn, in a drowsy voice, repeated the words back. "I love you too." 


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