Intangible Tangibility

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Intangible Tangibility

c. 2015, Olan L. Smith

Vibrations, fast hands plucking invisible strings,

Perhaps that is your secret, how you fool the masses,

But not everyone. They are the few we deem delusional,

Out of step with the masses. Did you fool Einstein? I

Think not. Did you fool Buddha; I accept not?

Listen, do not be deceived by The Great Wizard.

We are not tangible. We are a dream within a dream dreaming

Dreams of a Dreamer who imagines us; nothing more

Or less. But that does not make us unreal; we

Are real like the earth beneath our feet; illusionary

As it is. We are as real as the Dreamer who dreams.

Not because of It, but because we are mindful.

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