So Says the Wizard

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So Says the Wizard

©2015, Olan L. Smith

Deep beneath all ambiences is a rigorous resonance, echoing

Throughout all time and things. The hammer swings

Down onto the anvil with a ka-thud! And a

Bouncing thud follows as the hammer rests. A colossal energy

Lifts it upward, and again it hits with a ka-thud, thud.

The background din of formation is a pounding

Vigor, and the reverberations are a concoction of

Quanta mixing things from chaos into direction,

A ballet of opposites in stunning balance.

"Master, are you Thor, or are you Vulcan come to forge

All things?"

The Wizard replies, "I am neither a

Thing nor a god. I am neither force nor echo. I am and am not."

Wizard, "I cannot rationalize this; it creates a dilemma.

You are neither god nor a force, and you are neither Witness

Nor Observer. Where does this leave our analysis?"

"It leaves us without, and without witness nothing exists.

You were the one who pulled back the curtain. You started

This inquiry, and you thought you found something when you

Found nothing but me, an echo echoing." So says the Wizard.

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