Chapter 21

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Jay walked into his living room carrying a bottle of beer for himself and a glass of wine for Erin.

"Thank you," she said, taking it from him and cuddling up to him when he sat down. "I need to hurry up and find a nicer place to move into so I can have you over sometimes."

"You could have me over to your place now," he replied with an easy smile.

"No. It's a hole. The sooner I get out of there the better."

Jay knew better than to make an offer of moving in with him. It was too soon for him, let alone for Erin, who he knew to be very independent. The right thing to do was to offer to help her find a place. So that was what he did. "I could get my laptop and we could look at some places?"

Erin looked at him and smiled. "Thanks, Jay, but not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Tonight I'd rather relax, drink some wine, order in some food, and have some sex."

"Hmmm. I don't think there was anything on that list I have a problem with," Jay said studiously. "It's only the order I think we should talk about."

She raised a coy eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I think we should move the sex up a bit. Like, to the top."

"You've convinced me," Erin said, not even pretending to think about it. She quickly downed her wine, put the empty glass on the coffee table and got up.

Jay took a big hit from his beer bottle and put it on the table. As he got up, Erin hurried through to the bedroom ahead of him. By the time he followed her in there, she was undressing.

"Beautiful, Sergeant Lindsay," he said from the doorway when she was done.

"Enough talk, Halstead. Get over here and make love to me."

And he did. The sex was fiery, great for working out the tensions of a long day, and passionate too. Early in their second relationship, they were already good at satisfying each other's desires.

When it was over, they lay together naked in the bed. Their brows were sweaty, and Erin's hair was messed up. She sighed, totally relaxed.

"I don't know if I can get up again now," she muttered.

"Maybe you won't have to. We can order food and I can bring it in here."

"Now that does sound like a plan."

From the living room there came the sound of a phone ringing. It made Jay cringe. An interruption was the last thing he wanted.

"That's my damn work phone," Erin groaned, getting out of the bed. "I'm going to have to answer it."

The worst part of being the boss, Jay thought. Even when she wasn't on duty, she was on duty. There was no escaping the job. He sat up in the bed. From there he was able to hear her side of the conversation, which began with barely hidden annoyance.


"Yes, hello."

"Oh, really?" she asked with considerable surprise.

"He what?" Even more surprise.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

Clearly something significant was going on. Jay was already out of the bed and getting dressed when Erin came back to enlighten him.

"I'm going to have to have a wash and get dressed. We need to get to the station. Mr Layfield just walked in and said he wants to confess to killing his daughter."

"Oh shit!" Jay exclaimed. That certainly wasn't what he had expected to hear. Having their night ruined was annoying, but it was a part of the job that he had gotten used to long ago, and he was able to take it in his stride.

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