Chapter 93

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The next day, the Intelligence team had gotten off work on time for once, mainly because they were not working on an active case. It had been a boring day of paperwork, and Jay had been glad to get it over with.

In what had become even more of a rarity of late, he had received a text from Will, inviting him over for the evening. He had been happy to accept the invite. After work, he had gone home to shower, change, and spend a few minutes with Clementine, then Will had arrived to pick him up. They had stopped on the way over to his place for Will to buy some beers. At the end of the night, Jay would get an Uber home, which would allow them both to have a few drinks.

"Can't remember the last time I was here," Jay said as he walked into Will's apartment.

"There's nothing different about it," Will replied with some humour as he closed the front door. "Seriously though, you're right. We both work such stupid hours it's almost impossible to keep in touch. But now we get a chance to catch up. Have a seat, I'll go fetch my tablet and get us a pizza on order."

"Now you're talking," Jay said with a smile as he sat down on the couch.

Will went and fetched an iPad from his bedroom, came back to the living room with it, and sat down next to Jay. They started talking about what was new in Will's life while they ordered food.

It was more than half an hour before their delivery arrived, and Will went to the door to fetch it. He returned to the living area with four boxes – two pizzas, a side of chicken strips and a side of potato wedges.

"Thanks, man," Jay said when his pizza was handed to him.

"No worries," Will said. "It just dawned on me that we've spent the whole time talking about me. How are you doing? How's Clem? I've got to get over and see you guys. I'm meant to be her uncle and I've only met her a couple of times."

"We'd all like that," Jay said after enjoying his first mouthful of pizza. "We're doing pretty good. Clem's settled in great, and we're properly bonding as a family. She nearly referred to Erin as her mom last night actually."

"Ah, that's amazing. I'm sure you're a great dad."

"I do my best. We both do. Will, Erin's such a great mom. I don't think she realises it, but she is. The way Clem looks up to her is so special."

Will took a hit from his beer. "That's great to hear. Do you think you'll have another kid. I mean, one of your own? Oh God," he said immediately. "Jay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that to come out like that at all. I meant to say will you have a baby?"

"It's okay, I know what you meant," Jay said, trying to play it down, although the comment had hurt. As far as he was concerned, Clementine was his daughter. He didn't see a distinction around the fact that she was adopted. If he did have any more children in the future, he wouldn't treat them any differently to Clem.

"So, do you think you will?" Will asked, seemingly finding the lack of an answer awkward given his previous slip up.

"Sorry. Uh, that's actually one thing I wanted to talk to you about," Jay said while starting on one of the chicken strips. "Honestly? I'd love to have a baby."

"But you don't think Erin will want to," Will was able to conclude.

"Right. I love Erin, I really do. I just wish she wasn't so... I don't even know how to put it. Like, I wish I could get home tonight and say, 'Let's have a baby.' But I know she'd freak out if I did that. But at the same time I know she won't bring it up. It's the same as marriage. I want to marry her, but I'm afraid to ask. And I know she won't, although it would be weird for the woman to ask anyway."

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