Chapter 146

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Jay and Raquel happened to be on a coffee break when the call from Serena Deeb at Jordan's Wrestling School came in. He had saved the school's phone number into his phone ahead of time so that he would know when they called.

"It's Clem's wrestling coach. Do you mind if I get this?" he asked his friend and partner, who was currently also his boss.

"We're not exactly working," Raquel said, sitting there with a coffee cup in hand and a large donut on a napkin in her lap. They were sitting in her car outside of the donut shop – a recommendation from Intelligence's new donut expert Amanda Rose.

"Good point," Jay said before answering the call. "Jay Halstead."

"Hi. This is Serena from Jordan's Wrestling School. I'm calling with my initial assessment on Clementine, as promised."

"Morning, Serena. What have you got for me?" Jay asked.

"Well, let's start with the good news," Serena said brightly. "Clem's a great kid. I already like her, and so do some of the other students. I found her mature, willing to learn, and a hard worker. Determination is important as to say the least wrestling isn't easy, physically or mentally."

"Clem wants to be a wrestler. I don't doubt that at all," Jay said with a smile on his face.

"I can tell. And she does have a basic level of fitness, and shows signs that she may be able to learn some athletic ability. With that said, I'm happy to let you know that I do think continuing with training is worthwhile for Clem."

A wave of relief washed over Jay, along with excitement for Clem. Her dream lived on, for four more lessons at the very least.

"There are a couple of things I do need you to be aware of though," Serena said. "Most importantly, while Clem does have a basic level of fitness, she needs to be putting work into her stamina, and a lot of work into her physique. I'm guessing she doesn't work out at the moment?"

"No, but we're on that. We're going to get her a gym membership now that you've said her training is worthwhile. I'll take her with me and teach her how to work out properly. I also work out with a female friend, who'll be glad to help Clem."

Jay looked at Raquel and found it hard not to laugh when he saw her doing a little celebratory dance in the driver's seat.

"That's good," Serena said. "Lastly, it's worth considering that even if Clem works out and does well in wrestling, she's physically unremarkable. What I mean is she's not tall, and she's not blessed with incredible natural athleticism. Wrestling is a business where without either of those things she's going to struggle to make it far. Just being honest with you."

"Clem can do it. I know she can," Jay said without a moment of hesitation.

"It's great that you're so supportive. That'll help her a lot. Maybe I'll see you at the next lesson?"

"Yep, it'll be me who drops her off. I'll see you then. Thanks for the call, Serena."

"No problem."

"That sounded like it went pretty well," Raquel said when he ended the call.

Jay nodded. "It did. She said Clem needs to start working out, but I knew that anyway. She also said Clem's physique and limited natural athleticism will make it difficult for her to make it in wrestling. But I'm not too worried about it. For me, determination and desire are the most important factors in achieving goals, and Clem has both. And I know for a fact that she's never going to lack support from her parents."

"Or her aunt Raquel. I'm definitely here to help in any way I can, with workouts or whatever. And if you ever need her driving to lessons or whatever and you don't have it covered, call me."

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