Chapter 114

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It was moving day. Moving house was one of the most unpleasant and stressful experiences people could go through voluntarily, Jay thought. And today was living up to expectations, even though it was going to plan. Co-ordinating everything had been a nightmare, and constantly having to supervise was stressing him out big time. He was at the new house, with Kayla helping him. Erin and Clementine were back at the apartment, helping out that end, although Erin had strict instructions not to do any heavy lifting. Alvin Olinsky was driving his van back and forth, and doing lifting for them at both ends, along with Raquel Gonzalez, who had offered her services for the task. Jay had made a joke that he was doing her a favour by providing a free workout.

"Right, that's us done until the next load arrives," Jay said. He and Kayla had shifted the boxes and furniture that had come on the previous run into the rooms they needed to be in.

"Let's have a minute to rest," Kayla said, sitting down on a box in the hallway.

"Good idea," he replied, sitting next to her on another box.

"Jay, can I talk to you about something?"

Oh God, please don't tell me she's going to give notice that she's going to work elsewhere, he thought, feeling an awful sinking feeling in his stomach. In that moment he realised truly how vital Kayla was to keeping the Halstead family going. "Sure," he said, hiding his reluctance.

"So, you remember Kalinda, right?"

He looked at her and narrowed his eyes a bit. "Remember her? It was like three days ago when I met her."

"Right," Kayla giggled nervously. "Well, the thing is, I don't know how you're going to take this..."

"Just tell me, Kayla," Jay said, wondering where the heck this was heading.

"I kind of... I've got a massive crush on her. I hope you won't judge me for that."

He laughed. "Judge you for it? Of course I won't. Why would I care if you're into women or not? Raquel and Z are engaged. And you know Deonna who came over Monday night? She's dating a paramedic called Sylvie Brett. Women being with women isn't even something that seems worth noting to me. Besides, Kalinda's hot, and that accent..."

"Right?" Kayla gushed. "She's so beautiful I can't even... Let me stop myself. My point is, I have a huge crush on her. I know she's been with women before, although she was married to a guy until the start of last year."

"So ask her on a date," Jay said, his tone encouraging.

"But that's what I'm worried about. We might be friendzoned. Her friendship is super important to me too, so what if we dated, it didn't work out, and that wrecked the friendship?"

He grimaced. "Tough one, right? But if you never ask her on a date, you'll likely never be with her. Who knows, maybe she's crushing on you too and she's afraid to ask you out for the same reason? I think you should do it."

"I kind of had a different idea," Kayla said hesitantly.

Jay gave her a quizzical look. "Oh?"

"Would you be the middleman for me? Yeah, I know it sounds like some high school bullshit, but I just don't have the confidence to ask her myself."

Jay figured Kayla had gone above and beyond during the moving process, and besides she wasn't just a nanny to them now, she felt like part of the family in a way. Why wouldn't he agree to what she wanted?

"Okay, sure. I'll come out for a drink with the two of you one night and find a way to speak to her when you're ordering drinks or in the bathroom or something."

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